Have you ever been so stressed out that it resulted in sudden pimples popping up on your face? A tiring day at work, stress that lasted for hours, after you wake up the next day, you notice a change in the complexion of your face, such as dark circles, sudden paleness, or the appearance of acne. These skin problems tell us a lot about our health. This is our skin’s way of expressing what is happening inside our bodies because skin health is a reflection of a healthy body.

In these cases, you may resort to foundation cream to adjust your skin. But it is not a radical solution to the problem. Even skin care routine is not sufficient for these cases. Understand the meaning of the messages your body is sending through your skin and treat the problem before it escalates.

Our skin tells us a lot about our health that we don’t think about. It may also tell us about what is happening inside our mind, and about the mental problems we suffer from anxiety, stress and depression. The skin’s relationship with the health of the body is a direct one. Any imbalance in your body’s systems will reflect on your skin. Therefore, in this article, we will learn about the most important skin problems that indicate the beginning of a disease or a defect in what is happening inside the body.

Diseases Diagnosis through Skin Problems

“Skin problems are key to body problems. You can tell a lot about a person’s health by looking at their skin. One of the first things a dermatologist can tell is from the sun’s rays in relation to their age.” says Dr. Broad, a dermatologist on the faculty of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. Such as spots, pigmentation, wrinkles, and sudden dryness of the skin. It is also possible to know the harms of smoking on a person through his skin, so he looks pale and has wrinkles around the lips. The skin can help us diagnose many diseases.

Skin Inflammation and Irritation

Stress and fatigue make the skin unbalanced. These disturbances and anxiety turn into sudden irritations, which may develop into eczema or psoriasis. When the brain is in a state of excessive stress, the chances of acne and dermatitis increase. And here the treatment of skin problems alone is not enough. You have to solve the problem of stress and eliminate the cause of your stress.

How to Fight Stress

  • Practice stress management techniques such as meditation or yoga.
  • Eat fruit instead of refinded sweeteners.
  • Eat healthy foods instead of prepackaged or processed meals.

Dry and Itchy Skin Problems

Dry and Itchy Skin Problems - Skin Problems

One of the most common skin problems is dry skin. And when dry skin is accompanied by itching, this indicates eczema. But these symptoms may also indicate an underlying disease such as diabetes that makes the skin itchy. Thyroid disorders also cause sudden dry skin. “Dermatologists have the full knowledge to be able to know when to do a blood test and evaluate a patient more thoroughly” says Dr. Broad.

Also read: Skin Dryness, is It Dangerous?


Acne - Skin Problems

One of the most common skin problems that girls face in many stages of life. The appearance of acne is normal in adolescence due to hormonal changes at this stage. But the sudden appearance of acne in later stages of life indicates a basic hormonal imbalance such as polycystic ovary syndrome. Also read: Acne is Not Only for Teenagers!

The production of oils and the sudden appearence of acne increase when we are exposed to severe stress, tension, intellectual stress and anxiety, which causes a disturbance in the nerve signals of the skin and thus an increase in the production of sebum and the appearence of sudden blisters that can be treated with topical medications. But the basic treatment is to overcome anxiety and stress and try to relax and control the nervous state.


Dandruff can be treated with a special shampoo and prescribed medications. But the excessive secretion of dandruff may be a signal from the body of autoimmune deficiency and other neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease and stroke.

Hair Loss and Broken Nails

Hair Loss and Broken Nails - Skin Problems

Have you ever had a sudden and large amount of hair loss, accompanied by thinning and breaking nails? These signs indicate a severe deficiency in the nutrients your body needs, so it sends you warning signals to realize the deficiency in your diet. The solution is to follow a healthy, integrated diet rich in the vitamins and minerals your body needs.

Also read: 7 Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Diet without Costs

Thin and Sensitive Skin Problems

When the skin appears thin and is greatly affected by bruising, this indicates a high level of cortisol in the blood, which leads to the breakdown of skin proteins and thinning, accompanied by muscle weakness, glucose intolerance and a weak immune system. That requires immediate consultation with a specialist. It begins with a skin problem and ends with a serious immune disease. So we must pay attention to the warning signals that our body sends.

Skin Discoloration Problem

Sometimes a change in skin color can indicate an underlying disease. “In people with underlying chronic diseases, the skin sometimes looks ashy and pale,” says Dr. Broad.

Yellow or orange skin color indicates liver and kidney disease. Dark or brown skin indicates that blood does not circulate well. This discoloration may be due to a skin rash, so a dermatologist should be consulted before conducting tests.

Excessive Hair Problem

Excessive Hair Problem - Skin Problems

Hair is an important part of the skin that helps protect it from the cold and protects it from moisture. But if the hair growth becomes abnormal and excessive, it is evidence of a problem in the body, such as polycystic ovary syndrome in women, which is a common hormonal disease in women that affects their ability to have children and causes menstrual periods irregular and leads to an increase in the male hormone (androgen). It also increases hair growth. On the other hand, frequent hair loss and breakage of hair follicles is evidence of thyroid disorders and hormonal imbalance.

Skin Irritation Problem (Butterfly Rash)

There are many types of skin rashes. But the butterfly rash is characterized by the fact that it appears in a different way in the form of sunburn and spreads on the cheeks. The appearance of this rash is associated with lupus, a chronic autoimmune disease that, in addition to affecting the skin, has severe effects on an individual’s blood, lungs, heart, and kidneys.

Red Itchy Rash

Red Itchy Rash - Skin Problems

It is important to know the difference between a normal skin rash and a more severe itchy rash that may be due to skin infections or evidence of a digestive disorder.

In general, a skin rash indicates changes in general health, as psoriasis, for example, indicates heart disease or Lyme disease.

There are a few reasons your rash may be more serious, says Dr. Daveloy. “If the rash doesn’t respond to treatment and if it affects more than just your skin – for example if you have joint pain or a fever – it could indicate that you have a problem internally.”

Also read: Joint Pain in Women – Causes, Treatment and Prevention

Small Bumps around the Eyes

The small yellow bumps that appear around the eyes and nose are called xanthelasmas. They appear as a result of a high level of cholesterol in the blood. And they may appear for other reasons. But when they appear, the level of cholesterol in the blood must be checked.

Excess White Hair

This condition is known as Acquired Allogenic Hypertrichosis. It is characterized by the presence of fine white hair that appears on the face, which is evidence of an internal malignant tumor associated with colon, lung and bladder cancer. But don’t worry about reading this. Just consult a doctor to find out the real reason why this is happening.

Random Moles

One of the skin problems is frequent changes such as random moles, warning signs of skin cancer. These moles associated with melanoma are in the skin, random, irregular, and are not similar in shape and size. Their colors are between white, brown, red and black as well. If you notice a sudden appearance of random moles on your skin, consult a dermatologist immediately.

Persistent Skin Redness

One of the most prominent skin problems is continuous redness. As the skin may be infected with rosacea. The spread of redness can be reduced by avoiding the causes that lead to it, such as alcohol consumption, spicy foods, and constant exposure to sunlight.

There are other internal causes of persistent redness such as hormonal changes in women and menopause.

Swollen Eyelids Problem

The cause of swollen eyelids may be due to soap, cosmetics, or perfumes. It also may be due to exposure to external factors such as allergies to climate, certain plants, or sawdust. It is easy to protect the eyes from these factors by wearing sunglasses to protect the eyes. There are other reasons for swelling and irritation of the eyelids, such as allergies, or it may be a sign of contact dermatitis.

Sudden Very Dark Skin

Have you come across people whose skin turns darker despite not being exposed to the sun? This shift may be due to having Addison’s disease.

Addison’s disease occurs due to damage to the adrenal cortex, which leads to a deficiency of aldosterone and cortisol. Cortisol is a very important component in regulating the body’s reactions in stressful situations. Aldosterone helps regulate potassium and sodium levels. It is a serious and life-threatening disease.

Visible Veins in the Skin

Visible veins in the legs indicate irregular blood flow. They can be eliminated by exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy weight, and avoiding sitting with crossed legs. However, visible veins that appear on the facial skin are also skin problems. It may be a sign of rosacea or a sign of excessive stress. Swollen facial veins can be treated and relieved with laser or intense pulsed light therapy.

Melasma Problem

One of the most important skin problems that women suffer from, especially during pregnancy. It appears in the form of brown or gray spots on the facial skin. The cause of which is still unclear. However, doctors believe that the cause is related to a defect in the pigment cells or the cells responsible for the color of your skin.

Melasma does not cause any damage and does not need treatment. But if you feel embarrassed, there are many treatments such as creams, laser therapy and peeling.

Non-healing Wounds Problem

Most of the time, wounds heal naturally, and they occur almost daily, and the skin heals on its own. If these wounds take a long time to heal, this indicates a skin infection. In other cases, it may indicate diabetes, a blood clotting disorder, or skin cancer.

To prevent skin infection, make sure the wound is clean and sterile, and apply pressure with sterile gauze to stop the bleeding.

Blue Bruises on the Skin

Bruises occur as a natural reaction of the body when it is subjected to a wound or a blow. But in some cases the bruises appear suddenly, continuously and without cause. In this case the bruises may be evidence of a basic bleeding disorder. If these bruises are accompanied by swelling and pain, you should consult a doctor immediately, and inform him of all types of medications that are being taken, because blood thinners also contribute to the occurrence of bruises.

Yellow Skin Problem

Yellowish skin accompanied by the whites of the eyes is one of the most important symptoms that indicate hepatitis, which is an inflammatory disease of the liver caused by a viral infection. Other causes of yellowish skin include alcohol and drug use.

One of the symptoms of thalassemia is also yellow skin discoloration, which is a genetic blood disorder that leads to the destruction of red blood cells. It is also a sign of pancreatic cancer, which is an important vital organ of the endocrine glands responsible for digestion. It is a disease that is difficult to detect due to its subtle symptoms.

Pale Skin

Among the most prominent skin problems. The elderly usually suffer from pale skin because aging increases skin dryness and wrinkling. And there are many causes that lead to pale skin, such as stress, dehydration, and vitamin deficiencies.

To avoid getting pale skin, make sure to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day to get proper hydration of the skin. And make sure to get enough sleep and exercise regularly to get a normal flow of blood. And adopt a healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals to keep skin young, rosy and youthful.

Yellow Nodes Problem

The fat grows under the skin, forming a knot of different sizes with a yellow color, called xanthoma. It is not painful, but it is a symptom of diabetes.

Dark Circles under the Eye

Dark circles under the eyes, puffiness, and swelling are among the most common skin problems, which occur for several reasons, including: sleeplessness, fatigue, lack of sleep, and aging. It can also be a sign of hay fever or dermatitis, or a symptom of an allergy or a pigmentation disorder. It is possible that the cause of dark circles is thinning of the skin due to natural aging that makes the blood vessels in this area appear clearly.

Sagging Skin

If the skin suddenly begins to sag on one side of the face, this is a serious sign of a stroke, especially if it is accompanied by a drooping arm.

Skin Stress due to Sunlight

The sun’s ultraviolet rays are a major cause of skin cancer and many skin problems. As excessive exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays leads to the appearance of dark spots, moles, and melasma. Therefore, avoid exposure to the sun without sunscreen to protect your skin. And eat nutrients that protect cells from free radical damage caused by exposure to sunlight, such as fruits rich in antioxidants such as strawberries, pomegranates, and citrus fruits.

Fine Lines and Wrinkles

The problem of fine lines and wrinkles is one of the most worrying skin problems for many women. Everyone is looking for a way to hide them. But the real solution lies in delaying their appearance as much as possible.

In a way, mental stress always finds its way to express itself. And this appears directly on our skin. So sadness, stress and mental pressure are accompanied by the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth and on the forehead.

To avoid this happening, keep doing facial yoga exercises. And use massage techniques on a daily basis for areas prone to fine lines such as the forehead, eyebrows and chin. These exercises can help delay wrinkles and maintain skin elasticity.

Digestive System and Skin Problems

Carla Oates, a health expert and nutritionist in New York, tells us, “Gut and digestion problems are incredibly diverse, and are directly reflected in our skin. The gut contains a group of trillions of strains of bacteria and microbes called the gut microbiome, as this microbiome maintains the balance and health of the body. But it also greatly affects the rest of the body’s organs, especially on our skin if it is imbalanced. If we have any problems with our gut, like IBD, our skin is usually the first place we notice these issues.”

Studies have shown the inevitable relationship between intestinal inflammation and skin problems. In a 2017 study, people with rosacea were found to have a higher incidence of digestive problems and disorders. In another study conducted in 2012, it was found that most people with IBD also suffer from infections in the skin. So it is very important to take care of the health of the gastrointestinal tract because this will directly affect the health of the skin, and will treat it more than any cosmetic products.

There are many skin problems that occur for a reason related to the digestive system. Pimples that frequently appear in the forehead area indicate a problem related to poor digestion or eating processed foods and eating quickly. Eating fast food and foods that contain a high percentage of oils cause the appearance of spots on the skin, especially in the area between the eyebrows. Eating refined fats and foods rich in cholesterol leads to the appearance of blackheads on the nose and chin. Therefore, doctors advise eating healthy food and foods rich in fiber to solve skin problems.

Your skin is a mirror that reflects what is happening inside your body. So you should pay close attention to the skin problems that you suddenly encounter, because they may be a sign of a serious health problem, or they may not be. It is better to follow up the problem with a specialist doctor to find an early treatment. We hope you liked today’s article. Stay safe.

Frequently Asked Questions about Skin Problems

Is sudden appearance of moles evidence of skin cancer?

The appearance of moles is not a direct indication of skin cancer, but changes in their size and color pose a risk of skin cancer. If you notice changes in moles on your skin, immediately consult a health care center.

Do all skin problems indicate internal diseases?

The skin is an important part of the body and it is the first line of defense for it. So we must not neglect any problem that our skin suffers from, as there are many skin problems that are related to internal problems, but not all of them necessarily indicate certain diseases, as they may be due to lack of care in cleaning and peeling our skin, not health problems.

Is it possible to diagnose diseases that may affect us through the skin of our face?

The skin can indicate many diseases that may affect a person. Dark circles indicate lack of sleep and fatigu. Pale skin indicates dehydration. Yellow skin indicates hepatitis.

Can a person be diagnosed with dehydration by their skin?

Skin can tell doctors if people are drinking enough fluids to rehydrate. “One sign of dehydration is sunken skin around the eyes,” says Dr. Daveloye. “Dry skin can also indicate dehydration.”






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