In midlife, a woman embarks on a mysterious and exciting journey of rethinking everything in her life.

She suddenly wakes up in the morning, and time seems to fly by, and she takes care of all the things she’s been putting off.

She remembers the dreams she wanted to achieve when she was younger and wonders how well she can achieve them now.

In a midlife crisis, she may find herself reevaluating all aspects of her life, searching for deeper meaning, and seeking to balance life’s various demands.

It is a period of transformation and discovery, so be optimistic.

Follow this article to understand the midlife crisis in women, and find practical solutions to it.

Midlife Crisis in Women

The midlife crisis is a stage in which a woman suffers from inner turmoil and feelings of depression; Due to sudden life changes or weak physical abilities, which raises anxiety about loss, and is accompanied by feelings of regret for some previous paths and choices, and goals that remained unachieved.

This crisis usually occurs between the ages of 40 and 60 and affects both men and women. Some research shows a decrease in happiness and life satisfaction during the midlife crisis in women.

However, this decline is not permanent, and the level of happiness may sometimes increase with age, so instead of classifying it as a crisis, it is better to look at middle-aged women as an opportunity for renewal and growth.

It is an opportunity to reevaluate your life, and your career path, and explore new interests.

Midlife Crisis in Women Symptoms

Let’s get to know some signs that tell you that you are going through the changes of a midlife crisis:

  • Sudden changes in work or lifestyle, such as leaving a job or moving to a new home.
  • A behavior change, including becoming withdrawn, or behaving irrationally or conventionally.
  • Thinking and meditating on the past, diving into memories of youth, or past adventures,
  • Anxiety and severe mood changes.
  • Increased hesitation in making decisions.
  • Significant changes in appearance, behavior, or self-care.
  • Feeling angry, empty, upset, or lost.
  • Spending excessively.
  • Excessive worry about health.
  • Realizing big aspirations, such as travel or investments,
  • Reflect on past mistakes and failures.
  • Sleep pattern disorder.
  • Weight gain or loss.
  • Stay away from the usual routine.
  • Feeling lost.
  • Feeling disconnected from reality. You may feel as if your current life has lost its meaning. You may feel as if your current life has lost its meaning, or that you are living someone else’s life.

Midlife Crisis in Women Causes

Midlife Crisis in Women Causes

As the great writer Nora Ephron said: “You will never be the same, constant and unchanging.” We all change, but why does this phase seem more challenging for women?

Let’s find out the causes of the midlife crisis in women together:

  1. Hormone fluctuations

During perimenopause and menopause itself, hormone levels change dramatically, which can affect your emotional and physical health.

Low levels of estrogen and progesterone may cause:

  • Sleep disturbances.
  • Mood swings.
  • Lack of energy.
  • Difficulty concentrating and distraction.
  • Feeling anxious.
  • Increase in weight.
  • Loss of interest in activities you previously enjoyed.
  1. Emotional aspects

By the time you reach middle age, you may have gone through difficult experiences such as the loss of a loved one, dramatic shifts in your personal or professional life, divorce, or even physical or emotional abuse.

Also, when children move into their new lives and are busy with their responsibilities, loneliness increases.

All of these events may leave deep psychological effects that make you feel sad, and contribute to reconsidering your decisions and basic beliefs.

  1. Community pressures

In a midlife crisis in women, women try to hide the signs of aging and maintain a youthful appearance. This may lead to feelings of lack of self-confidence, a negative impact on psychological health, and an exaggerated focus on outward appearance.

Women also face difficulty in balancing the care of their children and their elderly parents, which increases their responsibilities and burdens them.

Therefore, she feels stressed whenever symptoms of aging appear as a natural reaction, or because the responsibilities she bears do not allow her to rest.

  1. Changing career

Imagine yourself doing the same thing every day for 20 years!

The midlife crisis in women comes with questions about work, as recent studies show that the average age of women who change their career field is 39 years.

There are two main reasons why women might consider changing careers during a midlife crisis:

  • You may feel bored and unchallenged after years of working the same way.
  • Sometimes, job promotions come with greater responsibilities and more pressure.
  1. Financial changes

The midlife crisis in women includes many changes that may affect your financial situation. Here are some things that might happen:

  • If you decide to change your job, this may reduce your income for some time, while you learn and adapt to the new job.
  • You may face losing your job for various reasons, which increases stress on you.
  • If you have family members who are facing financial difficulties, you may need to help them and allocate an additional budget for them.
  1. Childhood influence

The midlife crisis in women is not limited to the middle of life only, but may also be affected by previous experiences.

Your childhood experiences, whether positive or negative, can play a role in how you respond to the challenges of midlife. For example:

  • Losing a parent at a young age may make you more vulnerable to depression later in life, making it more difficult to deal with the changes that come with a midlife crisis.
  • Growing up in poverty can take a toll on your physical and mental health, increasing the level of stress you feel during a midlife crisis.
  • Witnessing disagreements between your parents or experiencing abuse can affect your sense of security and self-confidence, and may make it more difficult to form healthy and supportive relationships later, which is the safety net you need during this transitional stage.

However, understanding the impact of your childhood on your present can help you develop effective strategies for dealing with the challenges you face in your midlife crisis, and you can build a life full of fulfillment and happiness regardless of your past.

Midlife Crisis in Women and Depression Differences

Depression and a midlife crisis in women are two very different conditions, and both can affect women in different ways. Here are some of the differences between them:


Depression is a mental health condition that affects mood, emotion, and behavior.

It includes symptoms such as:

  • Constant sadness.
  • Loss of interest in favorite activities.
  • Feeling tired.
  • Guilt and anxiety.
  • Changes in appetite and sleep.
  • Thinking about suicide.

Depression can be temporary or chronic and may require medication and psychotherapy.

Midlife Crisis in Women

As we mentioned previously, the midlife crisis is a psychological phenomenon that usually affects some people between the ages of forty and fifty.

It is characterized by questions, doubts, and emotional, social, and professional transitions, and can include symptoms such as feelings of emptiness, anxiety about identity and purpose in life,

and feeling the desire to make big changes in your professional or emotional life. This type of crisis may be characterized by a search for a new purpose and meaning in life.

Although depression and midlife crises in women may occur at the same age, they differ in their nature, symptoms, and factors that cause them.

There may be an overlap between them in some cases, as symptoms of depression can be exacerbated by a midlife crisis or vice versa.

Practical Steps to Deal with Midlife Crisis in Women

Recognizing the midlife crisis, understanding your inner feelings, and identifying their roots are the basics of dealing with this stage.

You can follow the following steps, dear:

  1. Accept change

The midlife crisis in women includes many changes, so imagine yourself in a game, and you must adapt to every new stage to win. The same idea applies to your life.

Acknowledge your feelings, and express them instead of hiding them, as this can lead to using unhealthy coping strategies and increased stress.

If you’re feeling down and overwhelmed, try ways to process these feelings. Consider writing down your feelings in a journal. You can also talk to a trusted friend or therapist, whether in person or online, to help you manage your feelings.

  1. Keep goals set

Circumstances such as divorce or job loss may leave you searching for a sense of purpose in life.

Suddenly you feel like your best years have passed. However, this belief does not have to be true, so use the following suggestions to find your goals in midlife and beyond:

  • Take up a new hobby, such as photography or creative writing.
  • Learn a new language. This will help you keep your mind sharp, expand your social circle, and give your life a new purpose.
  • Consider visiting local parks and art galleries, or plan fun trips.
  • Take some time to think about past interests and neglected hobbies. You may want to return to acting, drawing, bowling, or any activity you previously enjoyed.
  • Indulge yourself in community activities. Volunteering is a way to increase happiness and improve mental health.
  • Look for issues that interest you and opportunities to put your skills to good use.

You do not need to limit yourself only to experiences that enhance skills. You can also explore new ideas and use your time in fun ways, as we mentioned in the previous examples. These are good ways to build a sense of purpose, raise your self-esteem, and meet new friends.

  1. Prioritize yourself

A midlife crisis in women is likely to bring changes in the body, sleeping habits, and relationship with food.

You may have more difficulty sleeping or being able to exercise at the same pace. Instead of feeling discouraged by these changes, you must take extra time to develop and maintain healthy habits.

Realizing the importance of exercising at this stage is:

  • Enhances brain functions.
  • Reduces the risk of anxiety and depression.
  • Improves sleep.
  • Helps with losing or managing weight.
  • Reduces the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some types of cancer.
  • Slows down the loss of bone density.
  • Strengthens muscles.

You can rely on the following tips:

Practical Steps to Deal with Midlife Crisis in Women
  • Replace poor nutrition habits with healthier alternatives, such as swapping refined carbohydrates for whole grains, fruits, and vegetables that contain a lot of fiber.
  • Look for healthy sources of calcium and protein; To keep bones and muscles strong.
  • Maintain a healthy sleep pattern, knowing that health challenges, hormonal changes, and daily stress may hinder getting the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep. However, do not stop trying.
  • Change your outlook on the positive side of self-talk that discusses symptoms of a midlife crisis. These conversations encourage you to get rid of things that are not appropriate for you and inspire you to take positive action.
  • Follow women who are past middle age and still living a life full of experiences and sharing them with the world, it may be motivating and inspiring for you.

Remember that you must be careful about your relationship with food, as you may face problems such as emotional eating and eating disorders as a result of a distorted body image in your mind.

  1. Not focusing on the negatives

The midlife crisis in women is not the end, but quite the opposite.

Despite the challenges, it also carries wonderful advantages that you must pay attention to to live it in the best way.

Everything around you is a blessing that deserves appreciation, such as home, family, friends, health, and work. Take a pen and paper and write down all the things that you are thankful to God for, and you will discover how lucky you are!

Do not think about the things that you did not do, but rather think about the things that you were able to achieve, and remember the challenges that you overcame, and the positive impact that you had on the lives of the people around you.

Focus on the wise decisions you made and the bold steps you took, and do not focus on the things you regret.

Stay positive. Any difficult situation is an opportunity to develop and learn. For example, if your job is not going as you would like, make this period an opportunity to develop new skills that will help you find a better job.

If you’re worried about being overweight, think of it as an incentive to try new, fun sports.

I am confident that you can overcome this stage and benefit from it positively, so do not give up and enjoy the transformations and progress you will achieve during your midlife crisis.

How to Deal with my Wife with Midlife Crisis

How do I deal with my wife during a midlife crisis in women?

When dealing with your spouse during a midlife crisis, it is recommended to follow the following steps:

  1. When dealing with your spouse during a midlife crisis, it is recommended to follow the following steps:
  1. Provide emotional support, show love and care, respect her feelings, and empathize with her at this potential stage of changes and transitions.
  1. Maintain constant communication, encourage her to discuss feelings, challenges, and important matters, avoid judgment and criticism, and use constructive dialogue.
  1. Urge her to take care of her mental and physical health, such as exercise, balanced nutrition, and good sleep.
  1. Join her in setting new goals and aspirations for the future, and support her in achieving deferred dreams.
  1. Appreciate her contributions, accomplishments, and value as your life partner, and express your respect and gratitude for her and your appreciation for what she offers.

Most importantly, be present, understanding, and collaborative with your spouse during this difficult time. A midlife crisis may require some time and ongoing compassion, but with communication and support, you can get through it together and build a stronger relationship.

After our article on the midlife crisis in women, we discovered that women have strength and inspiration.

Despite the challenges and changes of this period, she regains her interests, achieves her dreams, enjoys her private time, and discovers that age is just a number and that she is capable of achieving a lot.

She loves herself, opens new doors to the future full of inspiring ideas, and finds happiness in discovering herself.

May you be well Farashti, and enjoy your middle age.

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Frequently Asked Question about Midlife Crisis in Women

When does the midlife crisis in women begin?

The midlife crisis in women usually occurs in the forties or fifties and includes mental, emotional, and professional transitions and changes.

What are the causes of midlife crisis in women?

Common causes of midlife crisis in women include loneliness, personal re-evaluation, physical changes, family and professional responsibilities, and the search for identity and balance.

Can midlife crisis in women be prevented?

A midlife crisis cannot be completely avoided, but with self-care, communication, and preparing for the expected transitions, its impact can be reduced and the mental and emotional health of women at this stage can be enhanced.

Written by: Dr. Nahed Abd-Alkareem Ahmad



