Fluid retention in the body can occur easily, which gives a person the appearance of being overweight.

Watching everyone so fit and svelte on social media these days, encourages you to exercise, as they spend more time in the gym than they spend with their families to get these results. But are you the one who goes to the gym regularly and follows a strict diet, but your weight does not decrease and may increase?

If your answer is yes, then you are probably not fat at all, but rather you may have a perfect structure, and the fats that you see may be liquids!

So what is fluid retention and what are its symptoms?

What is Fluid Retention

Fluid Retention in the Body
Fluid Retention in the Body

First, let me make a very important point for you. Fluid retention is not what is meant when you drink a large amount of water and feel that your stomach is heavy, or is it water leaking from the stomach, and certainly, the treatment of fluid retention is not by piercing the body to let water out, as we saw in the famous children’s series, Tom and Jerry!

Fluid retention in the body is an increase in the level of your body fluids, as you know that the percentage of liquids in the normal human body constitutes more than 70% of its mass, and the increasing in its level leads to fluid retention in the muscles, blood, or even bones.

Causes of Fluid Retention in the Body

Well, but how can you determine if this extra weight is just fluid retention and not normal obesity? Many factors can cause fluid retention in the body and weight gain, including:

Here are Some Questions

  • Do you stand on your feet every day for more than two hours?
  • Do you live in an area which is hot most of the year?
  • Do you take birth control pills?
  • Are you pregnant?
  • Do you take medications to treat pressure or heart disease, or cortisone medications?
  • Have you ever been diagnosed with chronic venous insufficiency (poor circulation in the feet)?
  • Do you suffer from kidney or liver problems?

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If you answered yes to one of the previous questions, then you are most likely suffering from fluid retention in the body

  • Standing on the feet, especially those who do work that requires them to do so without resting for a long time, such as teachers, lawyers and surgeons, to fluid retention in the feet.
  • And your body naturally tries to limit the secretion of fluids such as sweat on hot days so as not to become dehydrated.
  • And women who take birth control pills contain Estrogens are also susceptible to have fluid retention, because Estrogens generally lead to this problem due to hormonal changes in women, and the same applies to pregnancy.
  • Blood pressure and heart medications, and medications containing cortisone,are a major cause, as well as chronic venous insufficiency disease, as the blood supply becomes weak in the foot, so the body cannot get rid of fluids. If you see someone whose legs are swollen, he may have this disease.

Symptoms of Fluid Retention in the Body

You will feel enlarged and itchy in the upper and lower extremities such as the feet and hands, you will also notice weight disturbances such as a rapid increase within a few days or a very rapid weight loss, and sudden swelling in one area of ​​your body.

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Fluid Retention in the Body
Fluid Retention in the Body

Treatment of Fluid Retention in the Body

In fact, when the problem is severe, there is no treatment that you can try at home because it may be related to other diseases, and the treatment is to treat those diseases.

In any case, diuretics are one of the methods used to treat fluid retention, under the supervision of a specialist, and do not forget to drink plenty of water.

How to get rid of excess water in the stomach:

1- Follow a low-sodium diet.
2- Eat more fruits.
3- Drink more water.
4- Exercise.
5- Wear a compression garment.
6- Elevate your feet.
7-Consider medication.

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Mistakes about Fluid Retention in the Body

Because your health, dear reader, matters to us, we would like to warn you about some mistakes that many people make with regard to fluid retention in the body, in order to pay attention to the danger of fluid retention in the body:

First: Many thin people who are trying to gain weight quickly resort to drugs of unknown origin, and after checking these medications they found that they contain a large amount of cortisone, so we find that the people who take it have gained weight very quickly, and as a person who got the result he wanted so quickly, you will feel happy and amazed, but in reality these amazing results are nothing but fluids retention in your body.

Second:Many people stop eating table salt completely, thinking that this is a healthy and sound thing, so we notice that they have lost weight at a tremendous speed, but despite the damages of table salt, your body needs it due to the sodium and chlorine electrolytes that are necessary for cellular construction. Refrain from taking it will lead to to weight loss, What will happen in your body when you refrain from salt is that most of the fluids retained in your body will come out so their weight will be removed from your weight, but actually the amount of fat did not decrease, but what decreased is water and electrolytes such as sodium. In your opinion, is this the healthy way to get an ideal weight?

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In the end, if you feel any sudden disturbance in your weight, increase or decrease, ask you doctor. And do not try the methods of treating fluid retention in the body that are found on the Internet, because they often give disastrous results for your health.

Frequently Asked Questions about Fluid Retention in the Body

Does Caffee Cause Fluid Retention in the Body?

Coffee can make a quick difference in the short term because it is a diuretic. But excessive caffeine intake is known to increase water retention like alcohol. So avoid excessive coffee drinking.

Herbs for Fluid Retention in the Body

Certain herbs and supplements may help you excrete water (a diuretic) and help treat water and sodium retention. Examples include dandelion, ginger, parsley, hawthorn, and juniper.
But please be careful not to take these herbs indiscriminately, and consult your doctor before taking any herb.