In our world full of social expectations and pressures, many may find themselves trapped in the vortex of Superwoman Syndrome. It is a complex condition that combines exceptional ability with endless responsibilities. Superwomen must perform multiple roles such as distinguished professional work, ideal family life, self-care, and social engagement.

But what happens when a superwoman’s burden exceeds her limits? What happens when amazing strength turns into an unbearable burden? A feeling of exhaustion and tension begins to creep into their lives, and moments of happiness and comfort are threatened.

But did you know that you are not alone in this battle? There are solutions and ways to overcome Superwoman Syndrome and restore balance in your life, so follow along, my dear.

What is Superwoman Syndrome?

What is Superwoman Syndrome?

Many women nowadays live a life that makes them feel like superheroes. Women today face great challenges and society imposes huge expectations on them. Superwoman syndrome occurs when a woman begins to feel extremely tired and exhausted as if she is working very hard and constantly without rest.

In addition, women carry many daily responsibilities and obligations and find it difficult to meet these multiple requirements.

It requires her to be an ideal model in every aspect of her life, whether at work, taking care of her family, or maintaining a good appearance, and this great pressure leads to her feeling exhausted and constantly stressed.

Many women feel extremely exhausted in childbearing age, more so than men of the same age. According to some studies, 16% of women feel tired daily, compared to less than 10% of men.

We know that you have exceptional skills and can do more than one task at a time. However, you don’t have to live in constant mental pain or feel guilty because heroes have to do their jobs perfectly. You are human, and perfection is not the primary goal in life. Our strength lies in our weakness and in recognizing our need for help from others.

Superwoman Syndrome Symptoms

Superwoman Syndrome Symptoms

Superwomen can be found in a variety of feminine roles and responsibilities, including working mothers, homemakers, and students. Any woman can volunteer for this pattern that makes her feel like she has to do everything, even if her mental health is at risk.

Here are some common symptoms that a superwoman may experience:

  • Outbursts of resentment.
  • Insomnia or excessive sleep.
  • Memory problems.
  • Muscle pain.
  • Constant anxiety and mental tension.
  • Sweating when not physically active.
  • Inability to concentrate.
  • General pain in the body.
  • Feeling a chronic headache.
  • Weak immune system.
  • The appearance of wrinkles on the face and body.
  • Hormonal disorders that may affect the regularity of the menstrual cycle.
  • Low level of satisfaction and personal happiness.
  • Neglecting personal needs, including self-care.

Despite these side effects, it is important to listen to your body and stop and realize when it is too stressful. Aspiring to a level of perfection that cannot be achieved at the expense of your mental comfort will certainly lead to stress and unhappiness.

Why Do We Try to Be Perfect?

  • Commitment to work without rest

We’ve all heard: “Well, you can go out and play, but only after you finish your homework first!” Are we bound by this rule even in adulthood? Do you still feel the need to finish all the household chores before you can enjoy yourself?

You don’t have to be! It is true that household chores will always be present, but that does not mean that you cannot devote some time to yourself every day.

Remember, hard work and constant sacrifice without time for entertainment can turn strong souls into tired and complaining souls.

So, set aside some time every day for yourself, even if it’s just 15 minutes of reading, taking a shower, or relaxing. This will help you feel rested and rejuvenated, and you will be more able to deal with household chores and other responsibilities in your life.

  • Frustration with helping others

Have you ever felt frustrated with others? Because they don’t do housework the same way you do? They may not lift furniture or clean tight spaces, which may make you feel upset.

But is it really important that the housework is completed the way you want it? Maybe it’s best to be grateful for the help you get, even if it’s not at the level you want.

If you repeat other people’s work, you will feel frustrated, and it may lead to conflicts with others.

So, my advice to you is to be more lenient with those around you and remember that their goal is to help you, not to bother you.

  • It’s easier to do it ourselves

Women may feel that it is easier to do household chores themselves rather than train others to do them; Because she believes that training children or husbands in household chores is difficult and time-consuming.

But have you thought about the long-term consequences? If you do the housework yourself, you will create the expectation that you have to do everything. This will increase your burden and may lead to frustration.

So, my advice to you is to start training others in household chores. It may be difficult at first, but it will be worth it in the end.

Here are some tips for training others in household chores:

  1. Start with something simple, don’t try to teach others everything at once, like washing the dishes or making the bed.
  2. Be patient, it may take some time for others to learn how to do household chores properly.
  3. Offer praise and motivation. When those around you do something good, it helps them feel appreciated and rewarded and increases the likelihood that they will continue to do other good deeds.
  • Feeling frustrated and unresponsive

You may feel frustrated by having to yell or nag to get others to do chores, and it may be because others are uninterested or unsure of how to do the chores.

So, you can start changing the way you think and interact with others. Here are some tips:

  1. Start with yourself: Make sure you do your chores regularly. This will help others see that you take it seriously.
  2. Set your expectations: Talk to others about what you expect from them in terms of household chores. Be clear and specific.

Superwoman Syndrome Advantages

Superwoman Syndrome Advantages

Although Superwoman Syndrome may bring with it health and mental problems, society sees in its exceptional abilities and unparalleled strength. It reflects the amazing ability of women to withstand multiple pressures and responsibilities and inspires others with their ability to achieve the balance between their professional and personal lives.

Among the features that society sees in Superwoman Syndrome are the following:

  • Feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction.
  • Boost self-confidence and improve self-esteem.
  • Ability to withstand a lot of pressure.
  • Success in a competitive work environment or in facing personal or professional challenges.
  • Ability to adapt quickly.
  • Dealing with stressful or unexpected events.
  • The ability to help others, provide support, and empathize with them.

Superwoman Syndrome Disadvantages

When we are exposed to stress, especially long-term chronic stress, the sympathetic nervous system becomes active and we are in a constant state of fear or flight.

At the same time, it inhibits our parasympathetic nervous system (PNS), which is responsible for a state of calm, rest, and digestion.

The adrenal system is constantly pumping out cortisol (the stress hormone) and adrenaline, which can affect all parts of the body and lead to:

  • Sleep disorders.
  • Sugar cravings.
  • Weight management problems.
  • An imbalance between sex hormones, leading to premenstrual syndrome (PMS), polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, and menopause.
  • Thyroid hormone imbalance, leading to hair loss, weight gain, and skin problems.

Additionally, the digestive process is impaired, leading to:

  • Disturbances in bowel function.
  • Constipation.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Reflux.
  • Inadequate absorption of vitamins and minerals, leading to nutrient deficiencies.
  • Our mood is also affected due to the gut-brain axis connection and decreased serotonin (happiness hormone) production in the gut.

Tips for Dealing with Superwoman Syndrome

Tips for Dealing with Superwoman Syndrome

It’s time for women to start looking at these many and varied symptoms as a wake-up call to change their lives, rather than accepting them as normal, because they’re not.

These symptoms are common but not normal. Use them as motivation factors to change your daily habits and, most importantly, change the way you think, what you believe, and how you view the world.

Change starts from the mindset of women, as “superwomen”.

Here are some tips to help you take a holistic approach to dealing with Superwoman Syndrome:

  1. Nutrition

Eat a healthy diet of whole foods, such as high-quality protein, whole grains, many different colored fruits and vegetables, and good fats, while drinking adequate amounts of water.

  1. Movement

For example, running is not the best form of exercise for a superwoman, as it may only increase the production of cortisol and adrenaline, so instead choose a gentler activity such as walking in nature, dancing, or yoga.

  1. Good sleep

Sleep gives our body and mind the opportunity to heal and rejuvenate, and here are tips to get the best quality sleep possible:

  • Get enough sleep every night, 7 to 8 hours.
  • Get into the habit of going to bed and waking up at the same time every day.
  • Create a quiet, dark, and cool sleeping environment.
  • Avoid electronic screens before bed.
  • If insomnia affects your daily life, consult your doctor.
  1. Mood

Identify what is causing you the most stress, anxiety, or noticeable stress, and remove it if possible or manage it through a good diet, light activity, relaxation techniques, and nutritional supplements that nourish the nervous system.

  1. Leisure

Take time for yourself, even if it’s just for a little while. Women with Superwoman Syndrome tend to feel guilty if they take a break or don’t do anything.

But it’s important to remember that you don’t need to be Superwoman all the time, and here are some ideas to enjoy your time:

  • Read a book you like or an interesting article from Farashti magazine.
  • Watch a movie or TV series you like.
  • Go for a walk or trip into nature.
  • Practice a hobby you enjoy.
  • Enjoy a warm bath or massage.
  • Talk to your friend or family member.
  • It doesn’t matter what you do, just make sure to relax and enjoy yourself.
  • Plan your time in advance, this will help you focus on enjoying yourself instead of worrying about everything else.
  • Don’t compare yourself to others, everyone has different needs, so focus on what makes you happy.
  • Don’t feel guilty; Because taking time for yourself is important for your health and well-being.

You can say some motivational phrases that may help you enjoy your free time, such as “My time is the most valuable thing I have, so I will spend it as I want” or “I deserve to be happy and feel good.”

  1. Don’t put pressure on yourself

In Superwoman Syndrome, women tend to feel the need to always be in a hurry, but it is important to remember that you do not need to do everything at once.

Here are some steps:

  • Take a deep breath, when you feel tense or stressed, this will help you focus on the moment and relax.
  • Focus on one task at a time, rather than trying to do too many things at once.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you feel burdened and tasks pile up.
  1. Setting priorities in life

Life is not a race, so we must carefully think about our priorities and determine what is truly important in our lives. Instead of being distracted and striving deeply to own everything, we are called to focus on achieving real and important goals with high efficiency and quality.

So abandon perfectionism. Remember that your home does not need to be clean 24 hours a day, and that dinner does not have to be on the table at the same time every night, and that you cannot be the perfect employee all the time. Take time to relax and enjoy your family. .

At the conclusion of this inspiring article, we invite you to imagine yourself embracing the strength and confidence that emanates from within you. The Superwoman Syndrome is not only a reminder to us that we have the ability to perform many roles and bear responsibilities, but it is also a reminder to us of the importance of taking care of ourselves and maintaining our inner balance.

Let us stop for a moment and review our goals and aspirations, and put ourselves first. We do not have to be perfect in everything. Let us go beyond societal pressures and external expectations, and focus on what gives us true happiness and inner satisfaction.

So, regain control of your life and achieve a balance between the different roles you play, and do not forget to give yourself the necessary rest and relaxation. Your decision to determine what is truly important in your life and achieve it in a distinctive way is what really matters.

Let the wonderful character of Superwoman inspire you and ignite within you positive energy and optimism. You are capable of achieving everything you aspire to but do not forget to enjoy the journey and take care of yourself at every stage.

Frequently Asked Questions about Superwoman Syndrome

What is the meaning of superwoman?

The term “superwoman” refers to a woman who feels the need to be perfect in everything, is able to handle all the responsibilities and pressures on her own, feels the need to have excellent leadership skills, be successful in a specific professional field, or excel in personal and family relationships. These excessive expectations often lead to feelings of exhaustion and fatigue, and may also lead to physical and mental health problems.


