How do I succeed in organizing time between work and home? Sometimes I wonder do I need a magic wand to put my life in order?

Why do some people take advantage of every minute of their day to accomplish their tasks, and find time to practice their hobbies and entertain themselves, while others spend the day without achieving a quarter of what they planned!

In our time, women bear many responsibilities, whether at work or at home, and face many challenges in trying to organize time between work and home, and combining these two different worlds.

The question is, are you busy with things that are truly important to you, or do you find your days filled with endless time suckers?

If you are reading this article, my dear, it is clear that you want to discover some effective methods of time management, and I will be more than happy to help you with that, so we will discuss how to organize time between work and home in effective and feasible ways. So, follow with us.

Organizing time between Work and Home

Organizing time between Work and Home

You are surrounded by distractions that can steal your time if you are not careful, and each of us is busy 24 hours a day, but it is important to remember that we are all busy with different things.

If you have questions on your mind all the time about how to organize time between work and home, and you want to know how you can become a master of time management, here are these powerful tips for organizing time:

  1. Set a specific time for each task

When it comes to time management, the first step you should take is to figure out how you really spend your time.

You may think that you only spend half an hour reading and sending emails, but in reality, this activity may take up an entire hour of your day.

Therefore, it is important to divide the time for each task; It helps you focus and not waste time, and if you do not finish the task on time, you can continue it the next day without affecting the time for other tasks.

Thus, you achieve the equation of preventing distraction or procrastination, while completing daily tasks.

  1. Use a to-do list

All goals and projects consist of small parts, which must be accomplished to achieve the goal or complete the project.

You can create to-do lists for each goal and project, as it list all the steps that need to be accomplished. In addition to keeping you focused, it also encourages you as you can see what you have already achieved, and what is still ahead of you.

At the same time, interruptions may occur that may prevent you from completing a certain task, but you should return to it and complete it when you can do so.

  1. Pre planning
Organizing time between Work and Home - Pre planning

One of the worst things you can do is wake up in the morning without a plan for your day. Instead of focusing on what needs to be accomplished, you may find yourself wandering and worrying about secondary matters.

So, you should always plan ahead using one of these two options:

  • The night before: Before leaving work at the end of the day, spend the last 15 minutes organizing your desk and making a list of the most important things you need to do tomorrow.
  • First thing in the morning: During your morning routine, write down 3 or 4 urgent and important tasks that need to be completed today, and work on them when you are at your most productive.
  1. Make your mornings dedicated to major tasks

Mark Twain once said: “If your mission is to eat a frog, you had better do it in the early hours of the morning, and if your mission is to eat two frogs, you had better eat the larger one first.”

This is because early in the morning you are at your peak of activity, and it is easy to complete the most complex tasks, instead of postponing them until the end of the day. In addition, the feeling of accomplishment at the beginning of the day motivates you to complete the rest of the tasks.

  1. Learn how to delegate and seek help from others

Asking for help may be a little complicated for some; It may be difficult to let someone else do the work they have been doing, and for others, they may not have the time to train someone else to complete some tasks.

The main idea is that delegating and asking for help is a real way to save time, as it reduces your work responsibilities.

This means you have more time to devote to the most important tasks or to do the least amount of work.

So, while working, you can either transfer responsibilities to qualified members of your team or contract with an experienced freelancer, while at home, your life partner or relatives can help and complete household tasks with you, so that you can organize the time between work and home.

  1. Avoid distractions

In the age of constant distraction, it’s all too easy to get distracted from what needs to be done.

We often juggle messaging, email, and to-do lists while simultaneously trying to accomplish something else, rarely fully engaged in the task at hand.

For example: While studying, you randomly stop to check your phone for no reason, or if you try a new exercise routine, you switched to a new program after two days because you read about it on the Internet.

No matter where or how you fall into the trap of distraction, the result is always the same: you are not fully engaged in the task at hand, you rarely stick to a task for long periods, and it takes you twice as long to complete half the amount.

So allocate a long period; To focus on your goal, make sure to stay away from distractions and leave them in a separate room.

  1. Waking up early

Did you know that allocating one hour of your day, especially in the early morning, can make a big difference in managing your time effectively, and helps you organize time between work and home?

During this hour, you can do some exercises to boost your activity, plan your daily agenda, or even accomplish some important tasks in peace without being disturbed by others.

This golden hour gives you a great opportunity to make the most of your day. It is also best to consider waking up early on the weekend and reducing TV time.

  1. Leave a rest period between tasks

Jumping from one task to another may seem like an efficient use of your time, but it has the opposite effect.

We need time to clear our thoughts and recharge by going out for a walk, meditating, or even thinking imaginatively, and after all, the human brain can only focus for about 90 minutes at a time.

Without this break, it becomes difficult to stay focused and motivated, so you can schedule a period to avoid delays in your next tasks. 25 minutes between tasks and meetings is an ideal length of time for the scheduled period.

  1. The 80-20 rule to regulate time between work and home

It can be said that 80% of results come from 20% of the efforts made, and this principle is commonly used in the field of sales. When this principle is applied to time management, it can be seen that 80% of the results come from 20% of the work we do.

It is recommended to review your agenda or to-do list daily and to simplify things, identify five tasks that must be accomplished. Using this principle, you will likely be able to reduce most of the items on your list.

This may seem strange at first, but over time, this will help you focus your efforts on more important tasks.

  1. Stop being so perfect

When you’re always striving for perfection, nothing will ever be enough, which means you’ll keep reworking the same task over and over again.

Imagine, how productive your day will be as a result. So, stop striving for perfection; It doesn’t exist in reality, so do your best and move forward.

  1. Learn the art of gently saying no

I fully understand your desire not to disturb others, but you must set limits to what you can tolerate. If you are already burdened with many responsibilities, do not hesitate to decline a dinner invitation or participate in an additional project with your colleagues, so you must allocate time for yourself and your rest.

  1. Develop healthy habits

To organize time between work and home, you can simply acquire habits that help change your life, such as exercising, tracking what you eat, developing a daily routine, and practicing meditation.

These habits replace bad habits and encourage the acquisition of other good habits. As a result, you will be healthier, more focused, and better able to manage time.

  1. Don’t waste your time waiting

I’ll be honest with you, my dear, I can’t wait, not because I’m impatient, but because I know that this is time that could be better spent elsewhere.

Instead of wasting this time, I found ways to make the best use of it, for example, while sitting in the waiting room, reading an inspiring book, listening to a podcast, or planning my next Farashti magazine articles.

  1. Look for inspiration

When you feel down, use sources of inspiration, such as a pep talk or an autobiography.

  1. Grouping similar tasks

When you have related work, you can group them together. For example, do not answer emails and phone calls throughout the day. Set a specific time to deal with these tasks.

Different tasks require different types of thinking, so by grouping related tasks together, your brain doesn’t have to switch between things, meaning you reduce the time you need to redirect.

  1. Organizing the purchasing process

Among the practical tips that help you organize time between work and home are to purchase household needs weekly, and prepare a schedule for the meals that you want to prepare during the week.

Thus, you can save time and avoid daily delays in shopping and food preparation.

Organizing time between Work, Home, and Study

Organizing time between Work, Home, and Study

Organizing study is essential to establishing an organized study schedule and excelling in preparing for final exams. It may sometimes be difficult to organize time between work and home when there is study, especially if you are responsible for children, so here are some tips for organizing study sessions:

  • Create a schedule: Divide your revision time over the coming weeks, and plan topics effectively.
  • Setting priorities: Identify the most important tasks in each aspect, whether work, study, or home, and prioritize them as necessary.
  • Time Limiting: Break study sessions into short periods of 25-30 minutes to increase productivity.
  • Set goals for each session: Set goals for each session to motivate yourself and increase focus.
  • Discover the period of peak activity: Know the times of your day when you are most active to allocate study sessions in these periods.
  • Allocate time for rest: Consider times for rest and relaxation; To avoid fatigue and exhaustion.
  • Communicate with family: Set a time to communicate with family members, share your schedule with them to get support, and you can talk about the methods you use to organize time between work and home and discuss and modify them.
  • Review your schedule regularly: Every once in a while, review your schedule and review the order of priorities to ensure the appropriate balance is achieved.
  • Take advantage of valuable learning sources to achieve your academic success: whether it is through communicating with your distinguished friends, joining study groups, or using educational materials from reliable sources on the Internet.

In this way, you will be able to achieve effective organization of study sessions, during the final exam period.

How to Take Care of Myself and Manage my Time Effectively

We care about organizing time between work and home, and we forget about ourselves. I know that finding time to focus on self-care can be difficult, especially with the pressures of work and family life.

But you can schedule the time before you need to, which is a great way to do so; To ensure you don’t underestimate the importance of personal time, here are some simple ways to carve out some time for yourself:

Evenings with Yourself

Try to reserve some nights specifically for yourself on weekdays. If others ask you to do things on those nights, tell them you have plans.

Use the time to garden, read, exercise, think, or shop.

Monthly Moment

Set yourself a moment to enjoy once a month. It could be lunchtime, the weekend, or even going to get your hair cut.

Leave Work on Time

It’s good to take care of yourself and maintain a good work-life balance.

Leaving work on time and using this time to enjoy hobbies, or spend quality time with friends, can have a huge positive impact on your mental health and well-being.

This approach helps replenish energy and enhances creativity and productivity at work.

Interact with a Team that Shares the Same Interests as You

Find a group or club that revolves around an interest or passion you have, or something you have been wanting to try; To increase your enthusiasm in participating with them, and make you committed to devoting part of your time to enjoying your hobbies.


For busy people, it may be difficult to find time for this, but it is important to do so, as change begins with one step.

For example, you can walk for 20 minutes in the morning, and then develop this success daily, as you can diversify how you spend this time on some days, such as using the time to think and imagine, and on other days, you can listen to motivational audio clips, and so on.

In conclusion, my dear, after answering how to organize time between work and home, keep these tips in mind, follow them flexibly with the reality of your life, and do not put an excessive burden on your shoulders, because you are not a machine.

Life is full of challenges, but with good organization of your time, you will discover that you are strong and able to enjoy every aspect of it, so continue to strive towards your goals and do not forget to celebrate the small achievements along the way.

Greetings and wishes for successful and enjoyable days always.

Frequently Asked Questions about Organizing Time

How do I organize my day at home?

You can organize the day at home by setting a timetable, focusing on essential tasks, using rest periods intelligently, avoiding distractions and setting entertainment times, not neglecting communication with loved ones, and ensuring adequate sleep.

How do I organize my time between work and worship?

If you want to organize the time between work and worship, you can apply some advice, such as specifying times of worship in your daily schedule, renewing the intention of working as worship, taking advantage of rest periods for meditation and prayer, maintaining the order of priorities according to your abilities, and form the habit of making time for reading and dhikr.

Written by: Nahed Abd-Alkareem Ahmad





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