When getting out of a relationship that lasted for a long time, each person adopts a specific style and method, either to get over the issue peacefully or take revenge. It seems that celebrities also forget at this condition that their actions and their reactions will be observed and judged by millions, but some take advantage of fame and their position in the art community to take revenge, this is what the Colombian singer “Shakira”, known as the Queen of Latin Music, did. Social media accounts are posting about this news after she published a song talking about her breakup with the soccer player Gerard Pique, her song “out of your league” broke records in a very short time, exceeding more than 63 million views on YouTube in 24 hours also big numbers on other platforms like Spotify!

The news of Shakira and Pique’s breakup was announced in June last year, after 10 years of love with two beautiful children, but war was not announced between them until Shakira released this song attacking both Pique and his new Spanish girlfriend, Clara Chia.

Shakira says in the song, “You go to the gym a lot, take care of your brain too.

I won’t go back to you not if you cry, not even if you beg me.”

She also talked about being asked to pay an income tax of 14.5 million euros, saying that Pique left her alone in the midst of events.

And mocking his new girlfriend, she described herself as “she is worth two 22 year-old” and him as someone who traded in a “Ferrari for a Twingo” and a “Rolex for a Casio“.

Here, international companies entered into this argument. At first, Pique wore a Casio watch and said that it was a watch that would last for life, adding that an agreement had been signed between the Kings League and Casio, which would finance the tournament.

Several tweets from an account in the name Casio appeared on Twitter, saying, “The battery of our watches lasts longer than your relationship”

and ” Shakira, we may not be a Rolex, but our customers are loyal to us

For its part, Hyundai published a tweet to promote one of its cars, in which it says “The car participates in rally only, sorry if I sprayed you,” which is similar to a line from Shakira’s song.

The official account of Toyota (Spain) also posted a tweet saying, “With Toyota Relax you have 10 years of warranty, can you trust anyone but us? Think carefully, there will be no one to leave you more quietly” referring to the duration of the couple’s relationship (10 years).


Shakira did not stop here, but she used a scary doll and l placed it on her balcony that is opposite to Pique’s mother’s house, according to a report by the British “Daily Mail”.

Shakira had said in a previous interview with the Spanish “El” magazine last year after their breakup, “Pique, with whom she had two children, wanted to play football and win names, I had to support him”.

He should terminate his contract with Barcelona and move to the United States with me, where my career is, or I should stay where he works.”

she adds: “That is why I made the sacrifice and the effort. I put my career in second place and moved to Spain to support him so that he could play football and win. It was an act of love.”

But Pique didn’t appreciate this sacrifice by betraying the beautiful Colombian, which ended their relationship permanently, Shakira had entered into conflicts with the Spanish courts alone, as we mentioned previously.

Will the blonde singer stop here, or is she still hiding more?