In this article you will find:

What is regular hair care?

What are the benefits of regular hair care?

Who can apply this kind of routine?

How to apply.

Sample hair care schedule.

If you’ve been following social media, you’ve probably come across videos about regular skincare, which is a nice term used to describe how and when you can apply certain skincare products. And as the term began to spread on applications such as TikTok, its similarity, which is periodic hair care, also began to appear.

You probably have a certain routine that you repeat throughout the month to keep your hair looking its best through regular use of shampoo, conditioner, and other hair care products.

This is what is known as “regular hair care“.

harry josh says, Celebrity hairstylist and founder of Harry Josh Pro Tools: “Regular hair care is just a term that someone coined for creating a customizable hair care routine, It’s a good idea whatever the hair type and texture”.

In other words, It means practicing a consistent routine to keep your hair and scalp healthy and clean. and combine different products based on your hair type, structure, and needs.

What is regular hair care?

Josh simply says, It is the process of creating a specific routine of shampoos, conditioners and hair straighteners according to your hair type to achieve the best result. He adds: “It’s more than just having a favorite brand or the right shampoo, It’s about creating a weekly or monthly program of products that have different effects but work together towards the common goal of healthy, nourished hair”.

It is usually a four to five day routine that includes “rest days” throughout the week.

Regular hair care is probably going viral now that someone finally put a name on it, But monitoring the needs of your hair and scalp on a daily and weekly basis and changing your routine accordingly has been around for decades, notably in Japan under the name “Head Spa”.

What are the benefits of regular hair care?

Helps you relieve scalp irritation. It reduces the potential risk of irritation from active ingredients or products that contain exfoliating ingredients like sulfates and gives hair a break from regular exposure to silicones, which tend to accumulate on the scalp and hair follicles, Which makes them more susceptible to irritation.

Not to mention that sticking to a certain routine prevents you from overusing chemical products. Which may cause health problems (damage to your hair follicles due to frequent swelling, etc.).

Who can apply this kind of routine?

The short answer here is for anyone who wants to improve the health of their scalp and hair.

For you to apply it too:

says Sunny Brewer, director of technical education for Davines North America. “During the colder months of the year, Our scalp can become drier, We may need to incorporate an additional treatment to help nourish the scalp and keep it hydrated and supple.”

So the most important and first step It is to determine your hair type and texture and to determine what environment you live in (is it wet and rainy or cold and dry?), then set a program / schedule that suits you (and you can stick to it) and determine the days that you will apply this routine. It can take a few weeks to find the perfect routine, so you can expect some mistakes in the first period. Find products that you love, because once you determine what is right for you, the benefits will start to show.

There is a fine line between washing your hair too much and not washing it enough.

But not washing your hair regularly and frequently is a very wrong idea because dead skin, pollution and accumulated sweat can all contribute to weakening the hair root, Which leads to unhealthy growth. For example, if you exercise regularly, or you live in a polluted environment, or suffer from dandruff, It is better to wash your hair more than once a week.

Everyone’s hair is different from the other, But here’s to you

Example of a periodic hair care schedule:

Reavey and Josh recommend it for whatever your hair type:

The first bathroom:

1- Use a gentle exfoliating product to remove product buildup and any other impurities. Just remember to be careful, Because harsh rubbing can cause micro-tears in the scalp, pain and infection.

2- Cleanse twice with a sulfate-free, synthetic shampoo. The first cycle removes build-up and the second cleanses the scalp.

3- Apply conditioner with a moisturizer

4- As a final step, use hair serum and oil to lock in moisture and treat split ends of your hair.

The second bathroom:

1- Cleanse twice with a sulfate- and synthetic-free shampoo.

2- Use a thick hair mask to lock in moisture in each strand.

3- Massage with a leave-in conditioner on your hair to get rid of heat damage, smoothing frizzy hair, and prevent any breakage that may be caused by violent brushing, or pull your hair too tight, or excessive exposure to heat and others.

And according to your hair needs, you adjust this schedule.

For example, If you suffer from frizzy and dry hair, You can set aside one day during your routine to focus on using moisturizing products. And another day to use the frizz treating products.


