Do you suffer from the problem of excessive hand sweating? Is this problem bothering you? Have you tried to read about it and learn the causes and treatment? Do not worry my dear, we have prepared this article for you in which we talked about this problem, its causes and treatment. Don’t worry, every problem has a solution. Follow us to learn more information about hand sweating.
In this Article
What is Hand Sweating
Excessive hands sweating or palms sweating, also called palmar hyperhidrosis, is a medical condition that is very stressful, embarrassing and can destroy self-confidence. From ruining papers to slippery handshakes, sweaty hands can be embarrassing.
But the good news is that medical and home remedies for this condition are numerous and even effective. So let’s learn about the causes of palmar hyperhidrosis and the available treatments.
We know that sweating is a vital function of cooling the body, but when your body sweats outside this range, doctors call it excessive. In this case, you may need some medical treatment.
Symptoms of Hand Sweating
- Excessive sweating that is not caused by a change in your body temperature or by physical activity.
- The sweating is concentrated in your palms and fingers, though it can affect all the hand.
- You may frequently have a feeling of coldness in the palms of your hands.
- In some cases, you may notice swelling in the fingers.
In order for a doctor to diagnose you with palmar hyperhidrosis, you must have obvious symptoms for at least six months, plus two of the following:
- Sweating from both hands.
- Sweating attacks that hit you at least once a week.
- Sweating that interferes with your daily activities.
- Sweating that begins after the age of twenty-five.
- The presence of such a condition in the family medical history.
- Not sweating during sleep.
Causes of Hand Sweating
Many factors, including obesity and menopause, can affect the amount of sweat your body produces or the times you sweat.
A little caution should be taken because sweaty hands can be a symptom of several other health problems, including:
- Your use of certain types of medical drugs with sweating as a side effect.
- Alcohol abuse or drug addiction.
- The presence of infections in the body such as tuberculosis, or sepsis.
- Endocrine disorders including diabetes, and thyroid disorders.
- Neurological disorders including Parkinson’s disease, stroke and
- cancer.
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Treatment of Hand Sweating
Now that we know the symptoms and causes, it’s time to find out the treatment.
Home Remedies
Home remedies are simple solutions that you can take to reduce sweating, but you must stop them immediately if they cause you irritation or allergic reactions. And if you visit a doctor, do not forget to tell him about the home remedies that you are trying or using. These treatments include:
- Antiperspirants:
Antiperspirants are topical treatments that vary in degree of concentration. Those that you see in most stores are of “normal” concentration. There are products of “medical” concentration in pharmacies, and they will not ask you for a prescription to buy them. As for stronger products, they need a prescription.
It is important to apply antiperspirants correctly, because the misuse of products with normal concentration is simply what causes people to unnecessarily buy the more concentrated ones. So what is the correct way to apply it on the hands?
- Use it right before bed.
- Apply it on completely dry skin.
- Never cover your hands after using the treatment, to prevent skin irritation.
Natural Home Remedies
- Sagebrush.
- Chamomile.
- Medicinal valerian root.
- Kantaron.
Some may suggest other methods such as acupuncture, hypnosis and relaxation techniques, but scientific evidence has not been sufficient to prove the effectiveness of these treatments in solving this problem.
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Watch your sweat triggers
Heat, stress, and certain foods and drinks are factors that can cause you to sweat excessively. Triggers for this condition include:
- Monosodium glutamate (a food additive that may be known as Chinese salt).
- Caffeine.
- Spices.
- Alcohol.
Treatments of Severe Hand Sweating

Iontophoresis relies on placing your hands inside a solution with a gentle electrical current running through it. Scientists believe this method temporarily stops or reduces sweating by microscopically thickening the outer layer of your skin, which stops sweating for up to four weeks.
Doctors may prescribe anticholinergic medications, which work by blocking the receptors that signal the sweat glands to start producing sweat. Oxybutynin hydrochloride is the most common of these, but it is not recommended if you have glaucoma.
Botox can also help you treat sweaty hands by blocking the receptors that command the sweat glands to excrete sweat. The doctor injects Botox into your skin, and the treatment lasts for about six months. Rest assured, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the use of Botox for the treatment of excessive sweating of the armpits and has approved that it is a safe and effective treatment. However, research has not yet fully established the safety and effectiveness of this treatment for palmar hyperhidrosis.
In severe cases that do not respond to the previous treatments, the doctor will recommend surgery to remove or destroy the sweat glands in the area to be treated, this makes sweating impossible. One of the techniques that may be successful is the endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy.
We hope that this information will help you in seeking treatment for your problem, but remember that it does not replace a doctor’s consultation.
Frequently Asked Questions about Hand Sweating
What is the Cause of Hand Sweating?
Taking certain medications – endocrine disorders – consuming alcoholic beverages – infections.
Is Hand Sweating Normal?
Yes, to some extent. But if it is excessive and causes daily problems and frequent embarrassment, then it is best to see a doctor to treat this problem.
When is Sweat an Illness Indicator?
When it is profuse and accompanied by dizziness or pain in the body such as chest and shoulder pain, cold skin and a rapid heartbeat.
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