With summer approaching, you may spend months planning the perfect beach vacation. And the passion for travel, recreation, and enjoying the bright sunshine, water, and fresh air increases. Among the most common activities in the summer is swimming, which is a great activity; To improve public health and maintain body fitness. But is it possible to swim during your period?

Many may consider swimming during period embarrassing and disturbing. But in fact, it is not a big problem. It can be skipped and enjoy swimming with comfort and reassurance.

In this article, we will talk about swimming during period. We will explain the important instructions and tips that must be followed to maintain personal health and hygiene, and enjoy the summer period with comfort and happiness. We will also learn about the health benefits of swimming during period, and how to prepare for it and take care of the body in general. So, follow with us.

Swimming during Period

Swimming during Period
Swimming during Period

Swimming is possible during period. However, it is important to take some precautions, to maintain the health and cleanliness of the genital area, and to avoid any health problems.

As the menstrual cycle is a natural and periodic thing for a girl, and it should not prevent her from enjoying their daily life, including swimming, but by following the necessary precautions before going into the water, whether it is the sea or the swimming pool during the period.

Pads Suitable for Swimming during Period

The pressure of the water can temporarily stop your menstrual flow while swimming. But while laughing or coughing, the pressure may change and a small amount of blood may come out, and it may not be visible.

When you get out of the water, your period will flow normally again. So it’s a good idea to use safe and effective options; To prevent leakage when swimming during menstruation. The following are different types of sanitary pads for swimming:


Tampons are among the important female products that are used during the menstrual cycle. They are characterized by their ability to absorb blood and tissue, thanks to their small cylindrical design, which makes them an ideal choice for swimming during the menstrual cycle. However, care must be taken to choose the appropriate size, and to avoid any irritation or dryness in the vagina; to avoid feeling uncomfortable.

You must follow some healthy steps when using tampons to keep yourself safe. These steps include:

  • Wash hands well before inserting the tampon into the vagina.
  • Choose the right tampon, depending on the amount of blood coming out and how long you will be changing the tampon.
  • Placing one leg on an elevated surface or sitting on the toilet with open knees; to facilitate the entry process.
  • Gently insert the tampon into your vagina, using the applicator that comes with it or your finger if the applicator that comes with the tampon is not available.
  • Change the tampon regularly every 4-8 hours during the day. And do not use it for more than 8 hours in the vagina.
  • Avoid using highly absorbent or excessive tampons, as this may lead to vaginal dryness.
  • Gently remove the tampon after you have finished using it, using the string provided with it.
  • Throw used tampons in the trash, and do not dispose of them in the toilet.
  • Consult a doctor if you experience abnormal symptoms, such as a high temperature or fainting.
  • Avoid using tampons if you have toxic shock syndrome, a rare condition caused by the buildup of germs inside the vagina from prolonged tampon use.

Menstrual Cups

A menstrual cup is a sterile feminine product used during the menstrual cycle; To prevent blood from getting on clothes. It is made of flexible medical grade silicone and inserted into the vagina.

The shape of a menstrual cup varies, but it is usually bell or cup shaped with a stem for insertion and removal. It adheres to the vaginal wall and can be used for 4-12 hours. After use, the menstrual cup is emptied, suctioned and sterilized before using it again. The menstrual cup can be used over and over again instead of using traditional tampons.

There are several tips that must be followed when using a menstrual cup, including:

  • Make sure the stem of the menstrual cup is fully placed inside the vagina.
  • The C-fold technique can be used; To compress and fold the cup from the insert.
  • It is recommended to use a water-based lubricant, and avoid using a greasy lubricant that can damage the silicone.
  • The menstrual cup is removed by folding the cup slightly, and pulling at the same time; To free the ring from its tight grip on the walls of the vagina and remove the cup completely.
  • The menstrual cup should be washed and sterilized with boiling water for a few minutes at the end of the cycle. Alcohol solutions should be avoided for sterilization. And cleaning instructions vary by brand.

Menstrual Discs

It is a sterile feminine product for use during the menstrual cycle, and can be used in place of tampons and menstrual cups.

Menstrual discs differ from menstrual cups in that they consist of a thin disc that is placed in the vagina, rather than the upper part of the vagina where a menstrual cup is placed.

Menstrual discs prevent leakage, can be used for up to 12 hours, are environmentally friendly and can be reused after cleaning.

Menstrual discs are removed after use by reaching the back of the disc and gently pulling it out of the vagina. After removal, the blood is drained out, the disc is sucked out and cleaned for the next use.

Menstrual discs are a convenient and practical option for women who want to try a new product to get more comfort during their period.

Swimwear during Period Clothes

Swimwear during Period Clothes
Swimwear during Period Clothes

It is necessary for girls to carry their own towels and underwear when they go swimming during period; To maintain hygiene and mental comfort. In addition to that, you can follow some of the following tips to enjoy swimming, and to mitigate any potential problems:

  • Choose loose fitting swimwear and one size larger; To provide comfort and more room to not feel pressure. Avoid very tight or leather clothing.
  • Make sure your swimwear is clean before you put it on.
  • It’s not a good idea to wear fabric-lined underwear when swimming. Because it will swell as soon as you go into the water and you will feel uncomfortable.
  • It’s not a good idea to wear fabric-lined underwear when swimming. Because it will swell as soon as you go into the water and you will feel uncomfortable.
  • يُنصح بارتداء ملابس سباحة ذات اللون الداكن أو الأرجواني أثناء الدورة الشهرية، This helps reduce anxiety and possible mental discomfort in the event of any leakages.

Can I Swim with Sanitary Pads?

It is not recommended to wear sanitary pads for swimming during your period, because these products are made to absorb fluids. So not only will they absorb menstrual blood, but they will also absorb water which will make it uncomfortable.

Sanitary pads often do not stick to swimwear textiles well, which may lead to losing the pad in water, and pads should be changed regularly to avoid bacteria build-up.

But in case of necessity, you can wear sanitary pads in the water, but the following must be done:

  • Use sanitary pads for swimming, as they are specially designed to resist water.
  • Make sure the pad is firmly attached.
  • Change the pad after swimming so that no stains escape.
  • Do not spend too much time in the water, and avoid diving too deep.

Swimming during Period Myths

Swimming during Period Myths
Swimming during Period Myths

Myth 1: The possibility of menstrual blood leaking while swimming, and everyone will know that a girl is going through her period

This may be annoying to you, but you can easily avoid it if you follow the precautionary measures, then no one will know that you are menstruating.

Water temporarily relieves your period flow, and with the correct use of swimming pads, you can avoid any unwanted leakage.

Period care products can also be used; To avoid any possibility of leakage while swimming. So don’t worry about this and enjoy your time in the water without any worries.

Myth 2: Swimming makes menstrual cramps worse

The fact is that swimming helps relieve cramps caused by the menstrual cycle. Physical activity increases the flow of blood and oxygen to the tissues in the body, which helps relieve cramps and pain. Additionally, Physical activity can help improve your mood in general, which can relieve some of the mental symptoms associated with your period.

The researchers found that doing 30 minutes of aerobic activity three times a week significantly improved the severity of menstrual pain after 8 weeks. This effect was not seen after only 4 weeks of exercise. This means that the positive results do not happen immediately, and it may take some time to see a tangible effect on period pain through aerobic exercise.

So, If you experience cramps or pain during your period, it may be helpful to engage in light physical activity, such as swimming, to relieve symptoms and increase overall comfort. But be careful to use proper protective gear to avoid any unwanted leaks while swimming.

Myth 3: Swimming during your period attracts sharks

Although some people may find the idea convincing, there is no scientific basis for claiming that menstruation attracts sharks.

For example, sharks rely on their special senses to detect their prey, such as smell, movement and sound, but do not have the ability to detect the presence of menstruation. And even if there is light bleeding while swimming, it is not enough to attract sharks.

So, you do not need to worry about this myth, however, you should be aware of any potential risks while swimming in deep water. And you must follow the specific security instructions and take the necessary precautions to avoid any potential risks, and enjoy swimming with the utmost safety and pleasure.

Myth 4: Your period stops when you get in the water

Menstruation does not stop while swimming, but the blood flow outside the vagina is reduced due to the opposite water pressure.

Myth 5: Swimming during your period is unhealthy

Despite this common belief, the chemicals used in public swimming pools help keep the water clean and prevent the spread of bloodborne diseases. So you can swim during your period without public health concerns.

5 Benefits of Swimming during Period

5 Benefits of Swimming during Period
5 Benefits of Swimming during Period

There are several benefits of swimming during the menstrual cycle, such as:

  1. Reducing Pain and Cramps: Swimming increases your heart rate and stimulates the release of endorphins, a natural hormone that helps relieve pain and soothe menstrual cramps.
  1. Mood Improvement: Swimming contributes to improving mood and reducing symptoms of depression that may appear during the menstrual cycle. As it stimulates the secretion of endorphins and serotonin, which are chemicals that promote a sense of mental comfort and happiness.
  1. Back Pain Relief: Swimming helps lift the body and relieve pressure on the spine, which contributes to relieving back pain that may be associated with the menstrual cycle.
  1. Reducing Bloating and Swelling: Swelling occurs during the menstrual cycle, and swimming can relieve symptoms associated with the menstrual cycle.
  1. Improving Physical Fitness: Swimming is an aerobic exercise that improves overall physical fitness, as it strengthens muscles and improves endurance.

When to Speak to the Doctor?

Talk to your doctor if your menstrual cramps are very severe, as they may be due to a condition such as:

  • Adenomyosis: It is a condition in which the inner lining of the uterus grows inside the muscular wall of the uterus. Which leads to an enlarged uterus.
  • Cervical stenosis: It is the narrowing of the uterine opening, meaning that the cervical opening is smaller than it should normally be, and the stenosis may be complete or partial.
  • Endometriosis: It is a health condition in which the endometrial tissue (the inner lining of the uterus) grows outside the uterus. It can occur anywhere in the body. But the most common type affects the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and the tissues lining the pelvis. One of the symptoms of endometriosis is severe pain during the menstrual cycle.
  • Fibroid tumor: It is a benign tumor that arises from the soft muscles in the wall of the uterus. It consists of muscle fibers and connective tissue. And it usually forms a mass inside or on the surface of the uterus.

In conclusion, dear, we must always remember that swimming during period is not just a choice, but a right for you. We should celebrate the unique capabilities of our bodies rather than be ashamed of them. The female body is strong and resilient beyond limits, and even dazzles us every time.

Don’t let anything stand in your way of enjoying life, even during your period. Use it as an opportunity to connect deeper with your body. Swimming these days promotes a sense of well-being and reduces stress and pain.

Love yourself. Take care of your body. Enjoy swimming anytime you want. Enjoy the moments of peace, calmness and rest. You deserve that and more.

Frequently Asked Questions about Swimming during Period

Is swimming in the sea during period cause infertility?

No. Swimming during period is completely safe and does not affect fertility, and does not cause infertility or pelvic infections. The water in the pool is clean and sterile and does not pose a danger to the woman.

Do you stop menstruation when you take a shower?

No. Usually, menstruation does not stop when taking a shower. On the contrary, it is better to maintain personal hygiene. During the menstrual cycle, blood and mucus are secreted from the uterus through the vagina, and they can cause unpleasant odors, irritation and infection if the intimate area is not cleaned properly.

Is it possible to swim on the first day of the period?

Yes. It is possible to swim on the first day of period, but it is preferable to take some precautions to ensure personal hygiene, and to wear a high-quality sanitary pad that absorbs blood well to avoid leakage, because often in the first days the amount of blood is more intense.

Does swimming delay the period?

Swimming does not delay the menstrual cycle, but all kinds of sports work to regulate the menstrual cycle, and relieve the pain of symptoms.





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