Before going into detail about the concept of anorexia nervosa, know that not every skinny body is necessarily anorexic, so there is no need to worry if you are skinny.

Everyone these days follows fashion models and browses social networking sites in search of ways to get a slim and attractive body, And fashion models, especially Korean ones, have millions of followers, and all because of their thin bodies. But let me tell you a secret, my dear, that most of these models suffer from anorexia nervosa, which means that they are in danger!

But how is it possible that thinness indicates a disease when we see thousands of advertisements daily for diets and medications to obtain a slim body? At the same time, we rarely find this interest focused on the issue of gaining weight?!

You may meet, dear reader, a skinny girl, and despite this she is convinced that she is overweight, hence the suspicions that she often suffers from anorexia nervosa.

Anorexia Nervosa

First of all, it is a kind of psychological disorder that is based on a lack of conviction in the shape of the body, and thus resorting to abnormal weight loss in unhealthy ways. And you will find people with anorexia nervosa resorting to limiting the amount of food they eat in a harsh manner in the form of very difficult diets, and despite its name, it is not related to food as much as it is related to the individual’s nutritional convictions.

Symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa

Behavioral Symptoms

such as not wanting to eat any food or pretending not to be hungry, loss of appetite, exercising excessively, following diets that contain very low amounts of carbohydrates, and you will see a patient with this phenomenon measuring his weight repeatedly daily and examining his body shape repeatedly in front of the mirror, in addition to The well-known phenomenon of intentional vomiting.

Physical Symptoms

As a result of the body not obtaining the nutrients it needs such as vitamins, salts, minerals and proteins, the physical symptoms are: severe thinness, exhaustion, fatigue from the simplest daily activities, abnormal blood tests, hair loss. Psychological disorders such as depression and tension due to the shape of the body in addition to weakness in the bones and joints, hormonal problems such as menopause in women, digestive disorders, swelling and bruising throughout the body, and weak heartbeat and blood circulation.

If you feel that you have a number of the previous symptoms, do not panic, but consult your specialist doctor.

Although this disease is considered a mental disorder, it has an impact on mental and physical health alike, so we always recommend you, dear, to take care of your mental health, as it is as important as the health of your body.

Results of Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia Nervosa
Anorexia Nervosa

You can divide it into two parts:

Physical Results

heart and kidney problems, poor memory and concentration, significant loss of muscle mass, weak immunity due to the spread of infections.

Mental Results

depression and social isolation, and the most serious results are suicidal thoughts that the patient experiences as a result of his lack of self-acceptance…

Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa

And of course you’ll ask, “Since we’re talking about a mental illness, does it have an effective treatment?”

naturally! Continue reading with us to explain the treatment to you:

In the beginning, the first steps to solve any problem is to feel it and acknowledge its existence, but unfortunately most people with anorexia are unaware that they are infected, or are aware of their condition, but they prefer thinness and not gaining any new gram in their weight at the expense of health.

Therefore, you will find that most patients do not seek treatment at first until after the appearance of serious physical symptoms that force them to go to the hospital, or at the request of a person close to the patient that treatment is necessary.

Therefore, if you know someone who may also be infected, we advise you to speak to him calmly and try to make him aware of what he is in.

In addition to the physical problems resulting from the disease, patients with anorexia suffer from other problems, such as:

Bullying on the shape of their skinny bodies by the surrounding society, which causes them to form a reaction which is to lose more weight as a form of challenge to the bullies.

Therefore, patients must be supported and not preemptively judged, because it will make things worse.

The treatment of the disease is through psychological counseling to search for the reasons that led the patient to here by the psychological counselor, in addition to providing support from the surrounding milieu, whether the patient’s family or close friends.

In the end, I hope that you will be sure, dear, that we will always stand with you, and that you will be sure that your health is always more important than artificial beauty standards. Therefore, do not seek a skinny body and a small weight, but seek a healthy and healthy body.

Frequently Asked Questions about Anorexia Nervosa

Does the psychological state affect the appetite?

A person’s emotional state has a significant impact on his appetite. For some people, stress or sadness may cause them to eat more as a way to cope with how they feel. But for others, these feelings have the opposite effect.

What is the reason for not feeling hungry?

If you notice that you do not feel hungry for several days, this lack of appetite may be due to stress, anxiety, depression, illness, advancing age, pregnancy, digestive problems, and certain medications.

Does lack of food cause excessive sleep?

Yes. Eating too much or too little can affect sleep. You don’t necessarily sleep less when you eat less. But anything that makes you uncomfortable can affect how long you sleep.

Does frequent thinking lose appetite?

According to the Mayo Clinic website: There is strong evidence that many of the symptoms of anorexia are actually symptoms of hunger. Hunger affects the brain. It causes fluctuations in mood and rigidity in thinking. It also causes anxiety and a decrease in appetite.