When you think about pregnancy, you must plan to give birth to a child who is healthy and of an ideal weight, like the children who appear in advertisements for baby formula and sanitary napkins. In order for your dream to come true, you must have good nutrition throughout the pregnancy, and good nutrition means obtaining foods to increase the weight of the embryo.

The pregnant mother also needs to take care of her health and diet in order to give birth to a healthy child. One of the most important factors that confirm the health of the child during pregnancy is the weight of the embryo, and this is what is monitored during prenatal examinations. The ideal embryo weight is considered an important element in the growth of the embryos.

You must take your mother-in-law’s recommendations seriously, just as your mother’s recommendations are. You must eat all the foods that nourish the embryo in your womb. Therefore, in this article, we will tell you about the most important foods that will help you increase embryo weight to maintain a healthy pregnancy and thus a completely healthy baby. So, stay with us.

Foods to Increase Embryo Weight During Pregnancy

The pregnant mother must pay close attention to her diet, as studies have shown that a good diet during pregnancy increases the chances of giving birth to an ideal birth weight baby.

The weight of the embryo increases rapidly in the last third of pregnancy, especially during the ninth month. Therefore, it is important to know the foods to increase embryo weight in the ninth month.

When it comes to the healthy development of the embryo, it is important to focus on certain vitamins such as vitamin D, vitamin A, calcium, folic acid, iron, and proteins.

You should eat at least these foods throughout your pregnancy:

Foods to Increase Embryo Weight During Pregnancy
Foods to Increase Embryo Weight During Pregnancy

1. Eggs

Eating eggs regularly promotes increasing embryo weight during pregnancy because eggs are an excellent source of vitamins A and D. They also contain minerals such as iron. Also, eggs are rich in folic acid and choline.

The protein found in eggs is considered to be of such high quality that it can be used to evaluate the quality of other proteins by comparing them.

The pregnant mother needs 90 to 100 grams of protein daily because proteins play a major role in the weight and growth of the embryo.

2. Milk

Drink milk on a daily basis to increase embryo weight, because it is a rich source of calcium and protein. Cow’s milk is rich in many nutrients necessary for the growth of the embryo and provides amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and proteins necessary for the growth of the embryo.

Studies have proven that drinking milk during pregnancy has a positive effect on embryo weight. Drink 200 to 500 ml of milk every day and drink it in three batches.

The mother who drank 3 cups of milk daily gave birth to a heavier baby than the mother who drank one cup or did not drink milk at all during pregnancy.

You can drink plain warm milk or add it to cereal. Remember not to drink milk after eating a heavy meal, and remember that drinking a cup of warm milk with a little honey before bed provides a good night’s sleep.

3. Dairy Products

It is rich in iron and proteins. You should add milk, plain yogurt, or yogurt to your daily eating habits because it also enhances intestinal health due to its probiotic properties.

Eat some cheese or butter sandwiches if you do not like milk. Avoid salty cheese if you suffer from high blood pressure.

4. Soybeans

Another important food for vegetarians, as it is one of the richest protein stores. Soybeans also contain a large amount of fiber, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, iron, and phosphorus. Delicious soy products can be easily included in your pregnancy diet.

However, those who suffer from thyroid problems should stay away from soybean products.

5. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are rich in fiber and vitamin C, thus fighting constipation and enhancing the mother’s immunity. You can include them in your menu in different forms. Cook, fry, or bake them. They are not only beneficial for the embryo but for you as well. They are also rich in beta-carotene, and this antioxidant will be transformed in your body into a vitamin. a.

This vitamin A is important for the growth of embryo tissues and cells and increases iron levels, which also benefits the growth of the embryo.

6. Legumes

Studies have shown that including legumes in the daily menu, works to prevent many health problems that can hinder the normal progress of pregnancy. It is an inexpensive and smart way to increase embryo weight during pregnancy because it is rich in iron and folic acid. Among the legumes that are important for increasing embryo weight, we mention:

  • Peas and beans

Include it in the diet, whether fresh or dried, because it is rich in iron and proteins. It replaces meat and fish for vegetarians because it is rich in zinc. It is among the foods that increase embryo weight during pregnancy.

  • Lentils

Besides being a rich source of protein, it also contains essential nutrients such as folic acid, manganese, phosphorous, iron, and thiamine.

Lentils are edible seeds from the legume family. They are one of the foods that contain a large amount of copper, potassium, and magnesium and help increase the weight of the embryo.

7. Kale and Asparagus

You can eat leafy vegetables such as kale and asparagus raw, cooked, baked, or fried to get maximum benefits. Green leaves are foods rich in iron and essential nutrients such as vitamin A and antioxidants that meet the growing needs of the embryo and its tissues. Leafy vegetables are ideal for increasing embryo weight in the third trimester of pregnancy. If you eat them in salads, choose organic types and clean them well to avoid the risk of infection.

8. Orange Juice

When you wake up, drink a cup of natural orange juice. In addition to increasing the level of vitamin C and strengthening your immunity, it is one of the foods that contribute to increasing embryo weight because it contains an abundant amount of folic acid.

9. Chicken

An amount of 100 grams of chicken daily meets 50% of the protein requirements of the pregnant woman and the embryo. The good news for you, if you are a meat lover, is that chicken is an ideal food for the child’s growth during pregnancy. It is rich in good protein, 9 essential amino acids, and an important source of iron and zinc, which facilitate the formation of new cells and tissues. Therefore, Including chicken in your food supports the growth of cells and muscles of the embryo and increases its weight.

10. Pumpkin

Which is the food of Prophet Yunus after leaving the belly of the whale because it is very nutritious. It is one of the vegetables that must be included in your diet to increase embryo weight, because it is a storehouse of a number of essential vitamins, such as vitamin A, vitamin B6, and vitamin C, and it is also rich in iron and calcium. Zinc, protein, omega 3, and carbohydrates.

11. Salmon

It is a source of omega-3 fatty acids, which support the central nervous system and general growth of the embryo. Therefore, salmon is considered one of the fish rich in nutrients that are very beneficial for the mother and the embryo. Because salmon is one of the fish that contains the lowest amount of mercury, it is one of the available healthy fish.

12. Spinach

Spinach is a vegetable rich in calcium and folic acid. While calcium is important for bone growth, folic acid is vital for the embryo’s brain development, so leafy vegetables are important in increasing embryo weight.

13. Nuts

The components found in nuts make them ideal food for increasing embryo weight during pregnancy, such as walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, and peanuts, and because they contain polyunsaturated fatty acids and other healthy nutrients, give the body minerals such as zinc, iron, and copper, and not forget that they contain a large amount of proteins. It can be included in the pregnancy diet as a snack between main meals, which also makes you feel full.

14. Broccoli

Broccoli and cauliflower are foods rich in folic acid and fibre. The good thing is that they contain a little more protein than other vegetables. They share with green leaves the provision of iron, beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, and vitamin K, in addition to potassium. However, hypothyroidism patients should avoid them.

15. Whole Grains

Replace refined grains with whole grains, make them a staple of your diet during pregnancy You can choose between a group of whole grains according to your desire such as brown rice, wheat and millet.

16. Avocado

Eating one avocado daily gives you some important nutrients to increase embryo weight, such as healthy fats and vitamins C and E, as well as potassium and folic acid. In addition to being rich in fiber, it is an ideal food for the mother and embryo.

Tips for Increasing Embryo Weight During Pregnancy

Tips for Increasing Embryo Weight During Pregnancy
Tips for Increasing Embryo Weight During Pregnancy

It is not through food alone that the weight of the embryo increases, but rather through some other actions that you must do, including:

  • Take prenatal vitamins to make up for your deficiency. Prenatal vitamins are available without a prescription at most pharmacies, or you can get them with a prescription from your doctor. If taking them makes you feel nauseous, try taking them at night or with a light meal. Chewing them may help. Gum or sucking on hard candy can help prevent nausea.
  • Sleeping and resting is a way to increase embryo weight.
  • The mental state and the subsequent expulsion of negative thoughts, fun and joy permanently.

Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy

The reasons that prompt you to avoid some foods may be their harmful effects on the embryo, as carrying a viral infection or affecting the development of the embryo, such as caffeine. The mother will sacrifice her favorite food and eating habits during pregnancy, such as sushi or bacon slices, but it is certain that there are many nutritious and beneficial food options for you and your embryo during pregnancy, you can enjoy eating them. What are the foods that should be avoided or reduced to a minimum during pregnancy? Let’s get to know them together:

1. High Mercury Fish

And because mercury is a very dangerous element because it contains highly concentrated toxicity, and it is likely to be present in polluted water in larger quantities, that toxicity that harms the nervous system, the immune system and the kidneys, and has serious consequences for the development of the embryo.

It can accumulate in large amounts in large marine fish. It is advised to avoid eating fish with high concentrations of mercury during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Types of high-mercury fish that it is recommended to stay away from include:

  • Sharks
  • Swordfish
  • King mackerel fish
  • Tuna (especially bigeye tuna)
  • Marlin fish
  • Tilefish from the Gulf of Mexico
  • Orange coarse fish

2. Undercooked or Raw Fish

Raw fish may become infected with viral infections during the handling, storage and processing process, and this continues after smoking or drying.

Raw fish, especially shellfish, contains high levels of bacteria or parasites, such as Norovirus, Vibrio, Salmonella, and Listeria.

These viruses may cause dehydration and weakness in the mother, and some viruses can pass through the placenta to reach your baby, even though you do not have any symptoms. The results of this include premature birth, pregnancy loss, stillbirth, and other serious health problems.

According to a reliable source from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, this source confirmed that the chance of contracting a listeriosis infection is up to 10 times greater during pregnancy compared to other times.

3. Undercooked or Raw Meat

Most bacteria are concentrated in whole pieces of meat, while other pieces of bacteria can remain inside the muscle fibers. In general, raw or undercooked meat causes infection with bacteria or parasites, such as Toxoplasma, E. coli, Listeria, and Salmonella.

Some whole cuts of meat, such as tenderloin or sirloin from beef, lamb, and veal, may be safe to consume when not fully cooked for normal people. However, this does not apply to pregnant women. It is best to avoid any undercooked meat.

All cuts of meat, including patties, burgers, minced meat, beef, and poultry, are never safe to eat raw or undercooked while pregnant.

4. Processed or Prepared Meat

  • Why is processed and prepared meat bad for you?

Because processed and prepared meats can contain high levels of sodium and unhealthy fats. Hot dogs, luncheon meats, pepperoni and deli meats are more likely to become infected with different types of bacteria during processing or storage. Also, processed meats are not cooked, so they may contain bacteria or Parasites. Pregnant women should avoid cold cuts and make sure to cook the processed meats you eat, such as sausages, to protect the embryo.

5. Raw Eggs

Some movies may depict a scene of the movie hero mixing raw eggs with milk in the morning to eat as evidence that it is a source of strength and activity, but raw eggs may contain harmful salmonella bacteria.

Unfortunately, the symptoms of salmonella infection include fever, nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, and diarrhea. It may also cause uterine contractions, which portends premature birth or stillbirth.

Foods that commonly contain raw eggs include:

  • Slightly scrambled eggs
  • Tiramisu
  • Hollandaise sauce
  • Homemade mayonnaise
  • Some homemade salad dressings
  • Some homemade cake frosting
  • Eggs Benedict

Most commercial products containing raw eggs are made from pasteurized eggs and are safe to consume, although read the label to be sure.

Cook the eggs well or use pasteurized eggs.

6. Unpasteurized Dairy Products

It is normal for bacteria to accumulate naturally or grow due to contamination during collection or storage, and pasteurization is considered an effective killer of any harmful bacteria without reducing the nutritional value of dairy.

The bottom line is that raw milk and other unpasteurized dairy products contain harmful bacteria, such as Listeria, Salmonella, E. coli, and Campylobacter. These bacteria can cause a group of infections commonly called food poisoning.

This infection can have consequences that put the embryo’s life in danger. Do not eat anything other than pasteurized dairy products to protect you and your child from infection.

7. Processed Foods

Processed foods are poor in nutrients and high in calories, sugar, and added fat. Consuming them will be a sure chance of gaining weight. While weight gain is necessary, excessive weight gain can put you at risk of birth complications and unhealthy obesity in children.

During pregnancy, you need to eat a good amount of essential nutrients: such as protein, folic acid, choline, and iron.

Stick to regular meals and snacks that focus on protein, vegetables, fruits, healthy fats, and high-fiber carbohydrates such as whole grains, beans, and starchy vegetables. Try to incorporate vegetables into your meals without spoiling the taste.

Tips for Increasing Embryo Weight During Pregnancy

8. Alcohol

It is distressing for a pregnant mother to be an alcoholic, because this affliction exposes her to the risk of pregnancy loss and stillbirth, and fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) may affect many aspects of development, including the heart and brain.

Let the rule be that if a lot is harmful, a little is also harmful. Alcohol must be avoided completely and definitively, in order to preserve your health and the health of the embryo.

9. Caffeine

  • What are the possible harms of caffeine?

Caffeine is absorbed very quickly and easily passes into the placenta. Since babies and the placenta do not have the key enzyme needed to metabolize caffeine, high levels of it can accumulate.

Research has attributed the risk of pregnancy loss to consuming large amounts of caffeine, in addition to the possibility of stillbirth, low birth weight, and a number of growth problems. Caffeine is found in coffee, tea, soft drinks, cocoa, and some stimulants. You should limit your caffeine intake to less than 200 milligrams (mg) per day during pregnancy.

10. Contaminated Drinking Water

Maintaining a level of hydration in the body of a pregnant woman is very necessary, but obtaining clean drinking water is another matter that you must take into account, because water pollution harms you and your unborn child. Investigate the level of sterilization in the tap water in the country in which you reside in when in doubt, use self-sterilizing water methods.

Finally, Pregnancy is a responsibility that the pregnant mother bears in large part by following the most important instructions regarding her health and the health of the expected embryo, by eating healthy food that is beneficial for her and her embryo and avoiding habits harmful to public health such as alcohol and smoking. The remaining part is borne by the caring husband when he provides his wife with nutritious foods and a comfortable psychological atmosphere. Society also has a role by spreading awareness, family culture, and health insurance for the mother and embryo. We hope that you liked our article today about pregnancy foods and embryo weight gain. Stay safe.

Frequently Asked Questions about Increase Embryo Weight

What happens if I eat sausage or pepperoni during pregnancy?

It is a processed meat that is best avoided because it contains high levels of sodium and additives that are not suitable for optimal health.

Can I eat grapes and bananas when pregnant?

Yes, because fruits provide all the essential nutrients and are useful during pregnancy, while paying attention to washing them well to prevent infection.

Is the weight of the mother related to the weight of the fetus?

The weight gain of the expectant mother clearly affects the weight of the newborn, and weight gain within a reasonable rate is an important issue, especially since children who are born with a decrease or an increase in weight face problems at birth.


