There is no problem that does not have a solution. But some people are annoyed by a problem that they find difficult to solve. And when it seems simple to you, another may see it as very difficult. Like the problem of sweat stains while wearing clothes. Here we bring you 10 tips to avoid sweat stains while wearing clothes, let’s go.

Many people suffer from the problem of stains forming on clothes, especially under the armpits, as a result of the extreme heat that dominates the weather in the summer. This is what causes a lot of embarrassment and distress to humans. So, in order to avoid this problem, we will give you the most important tips for preventing the appearance of sweat stains on clothes.

What is Sweating?

Sweating is the secretion of a liquid that makes us feel cold, and as a result of the body’s metabolic processes that determine the proportions of water, salt and body temperature, thus ensuring proportionality in temperature and cold. It is known that sweating is an involuntary process that is vital for the body and disturbing at the same time. Sweating occurs through about four million sweat glands in the skin. Men have a greater number than those in women. One of the problems of sweating is the problem of stains on clothes, especially under the armpits.

Among the possible psychological harms for both sexes, and with greater frequency in girls, is that sweating is profuse and emits unpleasant odors. In addition to those pigmentation that appears on clothes, and perhaps a feeling of exhaustion and fatigue after working in hot weather. The most profuse sweating points are concentrated under the armpits, on the palms and between the fingers The feet, and strongly increase and decrease depending on the situation and the person sweating.

Also read: Sweating Hands Causes and Treatment

Excessive Sweating under the Armpit Causes

As we mentioned earlier, sweating is the production of fluids by the sweat glands to maintain the stability of the body temperature at a certain level When the body temperature rises, more sweat is secreted to adjust and maintain the balance of body temperature.

Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) can occur at any age In the vast majority of cases, it is caused by a genetic predisposition However sometimes it is a symptom of a disease such as diabetes, anemia, infectious diseases, thyroid disorders and endocrine diseases.

Therefore, we recommend that you undergo a medical examination before starting the treatment of hyperhidrosis under the armpits.

If the cause of excessive sweating is not a disease, but age-related changes such as menopause, body characteristics and other conditions that are not dangerous to health, Botox injections will be an excellent solution to this problem.

Diseases Cause Excessive Sweating under the Armpits

Now we will mention some diseases that may cause increased sweat stains while wearing clothes, so what are they?

  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Respiratory system diseases.
  • Digestive system diseases.
  • Nervous system diseases.
  • Kidneys and urinary tract diseases
  • Cancers affecting the whole body.
  • Hormonal disorders and diseases that speed up the metabolism, such as diabetes.
  • Cushing’s syndrome.
  • Hyperthyroidism that occurs as a result of thyroid fatigue and affects growth.
  • Hypothyroidism that occurs as a result of insufficient production of thyroid hormone.
  • Polycystic ovaries and multiple endocrine neoplasia.
  • Menopause, which is the period in which the ovulation process ends with the end of the menstrual period in women and the postmenopausal period.
  • Obesity.
  • Mental and emotional illnesses, stress, anxiety and introversion.
  • The use of some medications also causes sweating.

The Bad Smell of Sweat

When you receive your husband back from work, the smell of his sweat shocks you and you wonder where did that smell come from?

The truth is that sweat in itself is almost odorless, and what we mean by the smell of sweat is actually not the case. A specific odor appears as a result of the vital activity of bacteria that live naturally on the surface of the skin, and that feed on the protein and fatty components of sweat. These organic materials are broken down into unsaturated fatty acids and ammonia, which is responsible for the unpleasant odor that we feel And the more bacteria there are, the stronger the smell. In addition, the intensity of sweating is affected by certain habits in lifestyle, such as consuming alcoholic beverages and some foods that are distinguished by types of spicy aromas.

10 Tricks to Avoid Sweat Stains

1- Wearing white cotton underwear under the clothes you wear

In order to be able to get rid of sweat stains on clothes, we recommend that you wear white cotton underwear under the clothes you wear, because cotton clothes help absorb sweat and prevent it from leaking into outer clothing, provided that they are made of pure cotton.

2- Keep highly absorbent tissues with you or near you

When you leave your home, bring highly absorbent paper tissues with you because they have a very good ability to dry the sweat off your skin and can be a solution to prevent the appearance of sweat on clothes, especially in visible areas such as the sleeves and neck and around the hijab near the face. Even that it can deal with hands sweaty, which is annoying and embarrassing to you.

The most important use of these wipes is to protect your makeup from sweat and natural skin oils. All you have to do is gently wipe it on your skin.

Whether to dry the sweat off your skin or to deal with the natural oils, you should always keep these wipes with you and near you, especially on hot days or when you are doing stressful work or when you are in a place where there is no air conditioning.

3- Do not get dressed immediately after applying deodorant under the armpits

Rather, wait for a period of no less than five minutes, in order to dry well, and reduce the appearance of sweat on the surface of the skin.

4- Sprinkle an appropriate amount of baby powder on your feet and in your shoes

If the problem of sweating stopped at stains on clothes, it would be very simple. But there is something more annoying! It is the perspiration of the feet and the sweat stains that remain on the socks and in the shoes and cause a very unpleasant odor that may be more embarrassing than the smell of sweat itself.

The solution is very easy. All you have to do is put some baby powder on your feet and in the shoes so that it absorbs moisture and prevents the smell of sweat.

Note: It is preferable to rely on highly breathable shoes so that they allow the feet to ventilate well and prevent sweating and the multiplication of bacteria that emit bad smell.

5- The quality of the clothes we wear plays an important role in protecting against the problem of stains appearing on clothes

Therefore, we advise you to stay away from wearing tight clothes that stick completely to the body in the summer. Instead, you should wear wide and loose clothing, in order to allow air to enter and moisturize the skin.

6- Use antiperspirants the right way

Avoid Sweat Stains while Wearing Clothes
Avoid Sweat Stains while Wearing Clothes

Antiperspirants usually contain highly effective compounds that help tighten pores and reduce sweating. So they can guarantee good results. But if you use them without getting any benefit from them, the method of use may be the problem.

Make sure to apply antiperspirant to completely clean and dry skin, preferably after showering and drying the skin.

It is preferable to apply antiperspirant at night before going to bed, so that it allows the highly effective compounds to do their part during the night to get the desired result the next day.

In case you depend on the correct method of using them without result, you can choose the stronger types that have more effectiveness in preventing sweat.

Make sure that what you are using is an antiperspirant and not a deodorant.

7- Wearing clothes of medium color between dark and light

Avoid Sweat Stains
Avoid Sweat Stains

In order to avoid the problem of sweat stains appearing on clothes, we recommend that you wear medium-colored clothes between dark and light. And stay away from light-colored clothes, especially white.

8- You can count on deodorant

Deodorant - Avoid Sweat Stains

The main difference between an antiperspirant and a deodorant is in their respective roles: the former prevents or reduces perspiration, while the deodorant focuses on the scent, making it fresh and pleasant, rather than strong and irritating.

There are many types of deodorants, some of which contain a powder that absorbs and prevents the appearance of sweat on clothes, and some of them focus on the smell only.

Deodorant should be applied to clean, dry skin. No matter how effective it is in removing the smell of sweat, the result may be counterproductive if applied to sweat.

9_ Using pads to protect clothes from stains and absorb sweat

There are sweat pads that are usually with a cotton side that has a high degree of absorption and the other side is adhesive so that you attach them to clothes, specifically under the armpits, to protect them from embarrassing sweat stains.

It is a good choice if you are one of the girls who sweats a lot or if you are going to be outside for a long time and you cannot change your clothes in a short period of time. On the other hand, these pads absorb sweat and you can easily change them.

Note: In the event that the pads are not available, you can rely on small-sized sanitary pads that can suffice.

10_ Stay away from socks and closed shoes in the summer

We advise you to avoid wearing socks or closed shoes in the summer. And to rely on wearing open shoes that do not need any type of socks, in order to give your body the coolness that protects it from excessive sweating.

Ways to Reduce Sweating in the Summer

Reduce Sweating in the Summer - Sweat Stains
Reduce Sweating in the Summer

The problem of profuse sweating is one of the disturbing problems, especially for those who live in hot regions where temperatures rise most months of the year, especially in African countries and the Middle East countries.

To reduce sweating, the following is recommended:

1- Reducing drinking coffee, and reducing meals that contain hot spices such as hot peppers and curry, as they may lead to increased sweating for some.

2- Eat hydrating foods such as fruits, yogurt, foods containing zinc, or nuts, which reduce the unpleasant odor of sweat.

3- Taking a shower with lukewarm water. Although some people enjoy taking a warm or hot shower, this may increase the problem of permanent sweating. As hot water may cause the pores to open and stimulate the formation of sweat. So it is better to shower with lukewarm or cold water that closes the pores. It is also recommended to use an antibacterial soap when taking a shower. As the mixing of bacteria with sweat causes the unpleasant smell of sweat.

4- Go to the sauna, as strange as this may sound. But according to the Deutsche Welle website, frequent going to the sauna will accustom the body to lowering its temperature automatically, which will reduce sweat formation in the long run. The site warns of the importance of replacing the body’s lost sweat by drinking plenty of water after using the sauna.

5- Vinegar may help reduce sweating. According to what Deutsche Welle reported on the Revanry website, which praises the effect of vinegar on preventing sweating, and advises taking two teaspoons in the morning, one of white vinegar and one of apple cider vinegar.

6- Maintaining an appropriate ambient temperature by turning on the air conditioner, or placing a plate of ice in front of the fan to cool the air somewhat. It is also recommended to close the curtains during the day to prevent sunlight from entering the room.

7- Reducing mental stress. As mental stress such as anxiety is one of the most important causes of sweating. So staying away from it as much as possible reduces sweating.

You can apply many relaxation techniques such as: yoga, meditation, biofeedback, and deep breathing can relieve stress and thus reduce excessive sweating.

Fabrics to Avoid Sweat Stains

Fabrics to Avoid Sweat Stains

It is taken into account to choose the types of fabrics suitable for summer and made of natural fibers, including:

  1. Linen: Linen is one of the best types of fabrics that are suitable for summer use, as it has a soft and light texture and dries quickly if you sweat. The main problem with linen fabrics is that they wrinkle easily and that they are subject to rot if linen clothes are stored in a damp place, and that they can lose their color.
  2. Cotton: We can call cotton the master of fabrics. As it is one of the most famous and most worn fabrics in the summer. Cotton fabrics are found in different weights and in different degrees. Its prices are among the most affordable fabrics that suit different classes. Among the types of cotton fabrics are bafta, lenoh, and gabardine. Cotton fabrics are also characterized by their high ability to absorb sweat and withstand extreme temperatures. As they have a soft texture and can withstand frequent ironing and washing.
  3. Rayon: Rayon fabrics are made from cellulose fibers of cotton with chemical treatment. The fibers have strength and the ability to absorb sweat. And these fabrics are characterized by their ability to retain iron for a long time. However, it is taken into account with this type of fabric that it is not washed too much, as boiling water affects its color and luster, and leads to its loss.
  4. Natural silk: Silk fabrics have a soft texture and luster. Its types are chiffon and crepe. It is considered one of the strongest natural fibers and is characterized by its high ability to withstand temperatures and absorb moisture. It also has bright and shiny colors.
  5. Cashmere: It is characterized by its light weight. As it is lighter in weight than cotton fabrics. And it is resistant to wrinkles or breakage and absorbs moisture. But it needs special care when washing.

Fabrics Should Be Avoided in the Summer

There are some types of fabrics that should not be worn in the summer, including:

  1. Viscose: It is a kind of silk, but it is synthetic. It is considered the lightest fabric, but it does not absorb sweat and does not give you a sense of comfort at high temperatures. And causes redness in the skin.
  2. Polyester: It is one of the most widely used types of fabrics. It is worn in windy weather or in the winter. It is wrinkle-resistant and has a flexible, shiny and strong texture. However, it does not absorb sweat and is not comfortable when worn in the summer, as it raises the body temperature.
  3. Nylon: 100% synthetic fabric. It is the first fabric that should be avoided in the summer. The only clothes that are allowed to be worn in summer are socks or swimwear, as they are water-resistant.
  4. Acrylic fabrics: one of the fabrics that is considered very harmful, as it is considered a carcinogen, so that environmental protection organizations have banned its sale.

Removeing Yellow Sweat Stains from Clothes

Removeing Sweat Stains
Removeing Sweat Stains

Deodorant stains or white marks appear on clothes caused by deodorant or antiperspirant, and some substances transfer to your clothes easily, leaving marks on them when you wear them.

Every girl suffers from a crisis of yellow sweat stains that accumulate on black and white clothes and leave undesirable marks that spoil a woman’s aesthetic appearance.

But with easy and simple tools and steps available to every woman at home, you can get rid of the effects of those stains in minutes and return your clothes to bright white or very black.

Products like the Rexona Invisible range are specially designed to reduce the appearance of white deodorant marks on your clothes and prevent the build-up of yellow stains, meaning you and your favorite clothes get excellent protection.

Use Rexona Invisible on black and white clothes for women or Rexona invisible on black and white clothes for men on clean, dry skin to reduce the appearance of sweat stains.

First recipe


Buy a stripe of aspirin pills from the pharmacy. The process will only require you to crush a few aspirin pills, then soak them in lukewarm water and immerse your clothes in the container for an appropriate period. Then be happy with the impressive result that you get.

Second recipe

Dishwashing Liquid with Water

Make a huge amount of foam by mixing water and concentrated dishwashing liquid. And wash the clothes that are stained with sweat. It will not leave a trace.

Third recipe

Sodium Bicarbonate

Mix a spoonful of sodium bicarbonate with water and apply the mixture to the yellow spot hours before washing it.

Fourth recipe

Vinegar and Water

Do you know the effect of vinegar with water in removing stains? Try this by adding a cup of vinegar to five liters of water, then soak the clothes in it for hours. After that, rub it with a clothes brush, add soap and water, and the stains will disappear.

Fifth recipe


The acidity of lemon has a good effect on stains. But before you put some of it on the stain, make sure to soak it in water for hours, and after treating it with lemon juice, wash it again with hot water. You will not see the stains on it.

Frequently Asked Questions about Sweat Stains

What is the purpose of reducing excessive sweating?

Protecting the body from diseases that may be caused by excessive sweating – Increase self-confidence – Avoid embarrassment with others because of the annoying smell of sweat.

Does excessive sweating need treatment?

Yes. As if you followed all the previous methods and there was no result, it is better to consult a doctor, as the cause may be a result of a physical disease, such as: hormonal disorders.

What are the causes of yellow sweat spots?

Yellow sweat stains appear if the stains are left to dry and not washed for a long time, or if built-up antiperspirant or deodorant has mixed in with them. Over time, the aluminum in the product and the salt in the sweat combine to form yellow sweat spots in the armpit area. It becomes more difficult to remove them with normal washing.




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